Hi I have a client (male) who's back I wax occasionally. Every time within a day his back breaks out in little whiteheads and it is very itchy and uncomfortable (it lasts about 7 or 8 days). I have tried different methods to combat this from using an exfoliant before and after and have him apply exfoliant (Aveda's) for several days after. This time I used a bp 3% wash before hand and then cleansed his back again after. Same thing. Any ideas out there?

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In my experience, any lotion/moisturizer applied to the back after waxing will probably lead to a break out. So, I now use a clear Calydryl gel instead. I also advise my client to take a shower shortly after the service and avoid working out or any activity which will result in excessive sweating. This usually does the trick. I have found that keeping the skin as clean as possible is key. Good luck !

It sounds like a histamine reaction to the hair being removed fromt the follicle. I typically dont precleanse and after waxing I put a nice steam towel on the back for about 5 mins and then apply our Se-Brazil Calm serum that's 100% natural and calms the area.

Does your client go to the gym? swim? sweat a lot in that area? These are all things that can extend the histamine reation to last longer than normal. Benadryl can help with this as well...taked orally and hour before and 6 hours later.

I would stop doing the mechanically exfoliation before and after that sounds like too much. Are you using the correct pre and post products from your wax product?

Thanks for the info. yeah I was wondering what the reactionary cause was. I pre cleansed hoping this would give us the best chance for over all success. I did use a warm towel and cleansed the back after. My efforts did seem to help some but still had minor break out but didn't last as long as before. I will try a histamine blocker next time and see if that helps.

Thanks that's a good idea. I will try the caladryl gel next time. With the once daily BP wash it only lasted about 5 days and was not as bad as the 1st couple times.

You state that you only wax him occasionally. It is not uncommon for the back to breakout after waxing. If he were to be on a regular waxing schedule the problem would probably subside as the skin adjusts to being waxed.  Most all of my back clients have adjusted with regular waxing. Also have them exfoliate and a quality blemish product will also help.



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