How did you learn how to wax? In school? DVD's? Paid for training? Trial and error?
Learning how to wax can be frustrating for many, my number 1 advise is to wax every day! The more waxing time you log with your wax the more comfortable it becomes.
Learned a lot in school, my teacher was amazing and really taught me a lot. The school offered an advanced waxing class for Brazilians, I've been doing one a week since July and have become quite comfortable with them. I've searched a lot of you tube videos picking up tips. Watched all of yours and the Wax Chicks videos as well. Last night I broke down and bought The Secret Life of Brazilian Waxing DVD from The Wax Chick. Can't wait to watch it.
I had great teachers in school. Many of my clients say my waxing is less painful than my (8) coworkers'. Most of them went to an inferior school.....for facial waxing I always press on the skin after the pull, and I find many esthies don't do this. It is elementary to me....blocks the nerves from sending pain to the brain.
But as far as bikini waxing goes, I really messed up my first month as an esthy 12 years ago. The client came back bruised and hurt....I had tried to go quickly like another esthy had shown me, but didn't have the technique down to work that quickly. After my esthy manager told me to hide when said client was there, she took me aside and showed me how to wax a bikini line safely. She showed my how, after applying the muslin strip, to "zip" it off, as close to the skin as possible; no arching like in The 40 Year Old Virgin!