Why do some waxers not wax men?? If you do wax men and your partner says that they want you to stop...what would your response be to them??

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This is very good! I believe so women choose not to wax men because they are uncomfortable with male sex and the male genitalia if they offer their counter part Brazilian. I wax men when I have them but 99% of my clients are women. My advertising is not geared towards one or the other, I think it just not as popular in my area for men to wax. I think Portland likes hair men, lol I know I do.

About my patner asking me to stop waxing men, I would ask my patner why it bothers them and why they fill I must stop. Waxing is a very profitable service if you are good at it and can charge that. I know for me when Im waxing there is no sexual feelings im doing my job of removing unwanted hair in any and all area's. If the reasoning was not good enough I would not stop cause its what I do, especially if you were already practicing before you were with this partner they new that you were offering these services and its not fair to you for them to be selfish or insecure, its what you/we do.  I would reassure them what ever their insecurities are that all is right and explain how important it is that you offer this service so long as it is profitable. if you do choose to give up the service I recommend having a referral to your clients. '

My partner does not mind but I definitely  have friends and family that act disturbed around waxing in general... silly people if only they new how amazing it feels to be hair free and not shave :) Hope that this helps and always listen to your intuition, its usually got a good incite.

I wax men I have no issues doing so however I think it helps with my nursing background. At least waxing I'm dealing with healthy/clean individuals (at least my clients have been) and not dirty homeless guys(the smells that can be omitted from a single human never cease to amaze me) I also think a lot of women aestheticians are leery of taking men for brazilians because of safety issues. I am a solo Aesthetician and only take male clients during the business hours of the other people in my office building. I have never had an issue with my partner not wanting me to wax men or women however if she did my simple reply would be "hair is hair money is money and if you have issues with that then I would suggest therapy" (sarc)

Kristi, I see you're in Portland I'm just North of you in the couve, the guys must come up heYre lol


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