Hello everyone!

I'm opening a clinic at the end of this month. Planning to have an extra room to sub contractor another esthetician. but not sure how does this work. I mean what to offer her..Percentage or hourly rate?

Any ideas on this situation? thanks!

Does any one can tell me where to get a template of a contract to hire an esthetician to work with me? and any adviced on this matter?

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Comment by J Delgado on May 21, 2011 at 3:31pm
Thanks Tiffany...
Comment by Tiffany Jent on May 20, 2011 at 12:13pm
I also started my business using SCORE... I cannot say enough about this service offered by the SBA.  They are an excellent resource for all of your questions and can really give you direction.  I took my business plan to them for review.  They usually offer outstanding classes for a minimal sum to educate you on many business avenues.  Also, their website is just awesome!!  They have on-line classes to view and a topic sent in by other professionals.  I would not be having the success I am having now without their guidance.  Best of luck!!!
Comment by J Delgado on April 12, 2011 at 6:22pm
Thank You so much Sandee....
Comment by Sandee Regier on April 12, 2011 at 5:08pm
Just another thought - Since it is tax season I would start there. The tax laws in my state pretty much spell out the things you need to follow for independent contract, partnership, employee, and commission-based employee. There is more red tape with some of these and that may vary by state. But, there are both Fed and State requirements to look at. There might be a professor or quick local seminar on small business operations at your community college. Checking out that department might be a good reference base.
Comment by Sandee Regier on April 12, 2011 at 5:03pm

Hi Jeannette,

I am wondering if you have a business plan written. I opened a business once without one and boy I changed that the next time around. There are quite a few programs on line for preparing business plans, I like the Small Business Asso. under SCORE. A business plan is going to help you focus on how you see your business shaping up. Hiring an employee and how they operate within the business is a critical part to really get right the first time. It really helps two people get off on the right foot when the goals of the business and your vision is all spelled out so they can tell if they align with those goals/visions. When you determine how you want to work with someone it will point out how you'll hire them. A plan should help decide who will buy inventory, who will book appointments, will you be covering for each other at the site, do you want to be the head boss and others are employees following dress code and client retention/sales goals, are you supplying any benefits, do they come and go as they please and set their own schedules. These are just some thoughts I am sure you are pondering, but I can't speak highly enough for a good business plan, especially target market specifics!

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