10 Things You Should Know Before Trying Any Anti Aging Night Cream

When you’re taking your big debut into anti-aging skin care, there is a lot that you need to learn. Obviously, there are those complicated marketing campaigns that talk about the signs of aging and how it can be stopped.


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The best anti aging night cream reviews generally recommend people who are 30 years and older to be on an anti-aging regimen. If you fall under that category or, if you notice premature signs of aging skin showing up too soon, here are the 10 things you need to understand about night creams before you go shopping for one:


1. Your night cream will perform best if you give it a preventive rather than a corrective function. Know that being in a rush to put on a night wrinkle cream will still be too late when a crease is already visible. Too many times, these products rarely give you any visible improvements on your wrinkle but, significantly contribute in delaying when another appears. The prerequisite remains, the formula must contain the right ingredients to be effective.

2. Most night creams will ask you to make compromises. There are too many night creams that contain the right ingredients but, are also infused with all the worst ingredients that you can get into contact with your skin. Frequently, these products will also contain fillers, additives and preservatives that are toxic or that have well-documented evidence they affect your overall health and well-being.

3. Night creams do not have approved therapeautic claims. We like to think of them as the topical equivalents of oral supplements which have the same statement stated on the labels. Despite the wonderful claims connecting these creams to scientific proof, the truth of the matter is that most of the claims are associations made in connection to some super skin ingredient but, not actually testing the potency of the ingredient’s formula. There’s a big difference. Otherwise, these night creams will have been subjected to the review and approval of the Food and Drug Administration but, these remain classified as cosmetics.

4. Most night creams are just made up of the same ingredients as a basic moisturizer from a drugstore brand. You will note that in the ingredients but, still feel the difference in the cost. When a product is labeled “anti-aging”, expect the price to shoot up.


5. The best night creams contain a minimum complex of ingredients.  Based on anti-aging cream reviews, the top ingredients that you should be looking for in a night cream include:


• barrier repairing ceramides

• cell energy restoring Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Niacinamide and Adenosine

• cell communication enhancing peptides

• moisture boosting hyaluronic acid and co-enzyme Q10

• protective antioxidants

• skin brightening arbutin and licorice

• anti-inflammatory aloe

6. Patent is not a guarantee of quality. Most of the big players in the industry will infuse their products with patented complexes that have attractive sounding names. Don’t be caught up in awe and know that most of that is just marketing language designed to interes, excite and lure you in.


7. Expect a great night cream to be heavy.  Well, it isn’t supposed to be lightweight and fast absorbing. Overnight rejuvenation requires heavy emollients and compounds to be infused in your night cream formula so, don’t be bothered if it leaves a thick film on your skin. Your skin’s got all night to suck it in.


8. Packaging is important. No, not the colors or the fancy bottle shape but, the make of the package. Since many anti-aging ingredients react easily, including retinol, go for products that come in opaque, airtight bottles to retain product potency.


9. Follow instructions closely. It matters which part of your routine you put in your night cream. Some are also not meant for nightly application so, pay attention and read the directions for use.


10. An anti-aging eye cream may or may not be necessary. In general, older skin needs a separate eye cream. However, if you can get your hands on a really good wrinkle cream, there’s usually no need for a separate eye product.



 Kate Winslet once said, “I’m baffled that anyone might not think women get more beautiful as they get older. Confidence comes with age, and looking beautiful comes from the confidence someone has in themselves.” The more important wisdom to pick up in your personal fight with aging is that you, just like everybody else, are bound to grow wrinkles and age spots anytime soon.

Authors Bio: 

Hi, my name is Jazz Pollard, born and brought up in Chicago, Illinois. I write on beauty, skincare, fashion, and lifestyle for Gorgeous Girl. I love makeup and right now living my dream of writing. You can connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin

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Tags: CARE, Care, Night, Skin, Wrinkles, cream.


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