When looking and applying for jobs during this tough economy it is even more important than usual to be on top of your game! Your competition is tight and employers are looking for a reason not to hire you.

1. If you are asked to submit your resume online by sending it in 'word format' do as they ask. They might be testing you to see how well you follow directions.
2. Always include a cover letter. Don't presume that your resume is full of enough information. It makes a nice introduction.
3. Don't use paper that is cutesy with big puffy clouds in the background. It is distracting and not necessary.
4. Do not send a photo of yourself, no matter how gorgeous you are!
5. Unless you are applying for a modeling job, or a T.V job, be aware of companies/salon or spa's asking you for a photo.
6. Do not put the reason why you left your previous jobs on your resume. Save this for the interview if/when asked.
7. Keep your resume short and to the point. Anything more than 2 pages and you will have them snoozing.
8. Keep your resume relevant to the position you are applying for.
9. If your resume isn't relevant for the position that you are applying for (due to a career change)....explain this in the cover letter.
10. Get somebody to proof read your resume for you, checking for grammatical errors and spelling errors.
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