Retail sales are the biggest missed opportunity within the industry!
Did you know that the average sale per guest is only $3.25?
It's a shame that we are not maximizing on this great opportunity!
We hear from spa professionals like you everyday who express how unsatisfied they are with their retail performance and who are tired of not making the money they know they deserve.
Aren't you??
If so, we invite you to join us for a complimentary tele-seminar
Simple ways to assess your boutique and make sure you are carrying a good product mix
Gain merchandising tips to engage your clients and entice them to purchase your products
Implement the P.R.I.D.E. system and make your sales soar
Introduce motivational compensation for retail sales
Set consequences to ensure success
Hear motivational success stories
Q & A
Your tele-seminar leader is Dori Soukup.
Dori is founder and CEO of InSPAration Management, a business firm dedicated to assisting spa and salon leaders elevate their success. Dori is a coach, a keynote speaker at many trade shows, an author, and seminar leader. Her spa business programs have helped spa owners maximize revenue, profits, and success!
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