I am heading back home to London in a few weeks and i have been asked by a company out there to do some research for them in regards to the U.S market. They are thinking of bringing their copyrighted products over to the states ... but prior to any big shipments being made they/I are looking for an overall consensus of opinion.
They have posters for the room (to help hide any of those botched wallpaper blunders!) and they also have client consultation forms for waxing and after care cards for the client to take home with them.
I cannot show on this blog what the content is for the consultation form or for the after care cards (but it is the usual standard questions that are asked on all forms and client care cards in the U.K and will not differ too much to what is here)
Could you see yourself using these in your salon for your clients? (if the price is right of course...i get that)

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