PLEASE Help CA Estheticians to Keep Treating Acne!

The California State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology has changed the wording in their regulations that would make it illegal for estheticians to perform services on anyone with acne. We are mounting a challenge to this, but NEED your support. The timing of this is critical, so please sign our petition today. Thanks in advance for helping us to keep doing what we love and helping people. 

Anyone can sign this petition. If you are not from California, sign it anyway. Remember, California tends to lead the way for other states to do the same. We need to stop this now. 

Here's the link to the petition:

Views: 443

Tags: Board, CA, State, acne


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Comment by NBSkinCare on September 21, 2014 at 1:34pm

I must jump in here and say- Marty you couldn't be more wrong.

Please actually read the CA rules and regs from SB so you can see what they say.  They do not mention Acne grades.  What started all of this was that the SB was changing wording in the Rules and Regs and saying something *completely different* out of their mouths in meetings.  It is very concerning.

How sad would it be if I sent my poor clients (back) to medical doctors for their acne?!  They come to me because the Dr/Derms don't have a clue most of the time and generally make it worse or do not make a difference.  I do (as do many properly trained Estheticians) and my clients love me for it.  And I work on all grades of acne and clear them beautifully.  With products that are less invasive and internally devastating than what a Dr would give.


Comment by Laura Cooksey on September 21, 2014 at 12:42pm

@Marty Glenn

You ask, "why do I say this?"  Watch this video of the CA State Board meeting on July 28th.  Go to 1 hour 12 minutes and watch for several minutes.  You will then understand why I was so concerned.

I agree that most estheticians don't know what the hell they are doing with acne, but there's a cadre of us that do; and we do it really well.  I would much rather work on grades III and IV - the right products used in the right way clears it up beautifully and way EASIER than grades I and II.  I've got hundreds of before and after pictures to prove it (and testimonials).  

Since my plea went out several weeks ago, the CEO of the State Board personally invited my partner and I to meet with her.  We asked her specifically why she said what she said in the July 28th State Board meeting.  She said that because of the pushback from the medical community about the Master's Esthetician Bill (AB1153), she had to actually say, "estheticians are not supposed to treat acne".  The medical community had never meddled with the esthetician community before that bill came along; and all of a sudden they got their panties in a bunch.  She went on to say that she hopes that the current scope of practice for estheticians can be expanded; and that yes, it is perfectly ok for estheticians to perform services on grades I and II acne. (and yes, I am VERY clear as to the different grades of acne. Acne is all that I do - I run an acne clinic that employs 15 people, I have a long-distance program for acne clients and also train estheticians AND doctors in our protocol that means a thriving training and wholesale business).   Right now, there is nothing in the SB regs that even mentions acne (you say it does... tell me where please) - the wording is very vague. That is why I wanted some clarification.  She is very "pro-esthethician" is I was relieved to see; as it did not appear that way in the July 28th SB meeting. 

As to your screaming statement "THERE IS STILL A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A MEDICAL DR AND A LICENSED ESTIE", I would say this:

Then why are medical doctors so woefully inadequate in treating acne?  The world over (I used to do international sales), they are all doing the same pathetic protocol. Giving antibiotics and tretinoin producs. When that doesn't work, they push isotretinoin.  About 95% of the clients that come to my acne clinic have gone the medical route only to be disappointed, frustrated and still breaking out. They come to us and without any dangerous prescriptions, we get them clear in about 90 days. Results speak for themselves, my friend.  If you don't believe me, go to this client petition and read nearly a thousand comments saying just that.

Ok, I'm done.

Comment by Marty Glenn on September 21, 2014 at 11:14am


This is a very good thing and you should support it. Too many esties destroy the lives and self esteems of clients who are grade III and IV because they do not want to give up on THEIR ego! They continue to treat for fear that if they refer out they will not get the client back or admit they cannot help.  And after months and months of trying that can be a huge blow to the estie and more so to the client.

I cannot applaud the state board enough for this decision and so should you.

You say: "...make it illegal for estheticians to perform services on anyone with acne."

Why did you say this?

That is NOT what the regulation says.  It says Acne Grade I and II.  Maybe you are not clear on what Acne I and II are.  Acne grade III and IV are sever and should not (80% of the time) be handled by external/topical non prescription based products. They need a medical Dr. and the treatment methods that THEIR license allows them to prescribe.  Believe it or not THERE IS STILL A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A MEDICAL DR AND A LICENSED ESTIE.

I do hope they clarify more for the esties who are not clear on what grades I - IV are but it would save me time when I educate on acne and what the grades look like.

Your lively hood is not in jeopardy by this ruling but you put every client of every estie who does not understand acne grades and their own personally ability / limitations at risk by your position.


Comment by Laura Cooksey on August 14, 2014 at 5:23pm

The CA State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology just posted this on their Facebook page a few minutes ago:

"The Board of Barbering and Cosmetology (Board) would like to reiterate to licensees and consumers that California licensed estheticians and cosmetologists may continue providing services on skin that demonstrates grade 1 or grade 2 acne.
Currently proposed changes to section 984(e) do NOT affect or change the Board’s view on estheticians/cosmetologists providing services on skin that demonstrates grade1 or grade 2 acne."

While we are extremely happy with their response, we still would like to push for more clarification of the wording in our regulations, so misinterpretations don't keep happening to us.

I have to think that more than 1,000 emails sent to them from these petitions made the difference. Thank you ALL!


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