Special offer on The Wax Chick's educational dvd's until Midnight Tuesday ONLY

There is no doubt that brows and Brazilians are the two most, requested, profitable and terrifying services you can offer. Who wouldn't be a little intimidated?  Even I, The Wax Chick, was a total wreck when I started doing them. (true story)

So what's stopping you?

Can't find or get to hands-on training for brows and Brazilians? No problem, I'm happy to come to you.  In fact I can be there in no time AND you can even train in your PJ's.
Are you afraid you'll rip someones eyebrow off? I get it! It's a totally legitimate concern.  Believe me, I've been there and almost done that.
Does the thought of performing a Brazilian wax send you into an anxiety attack? (Which is a totally normal response by the way, for a sane person).
I want you to know that you will get past those feelings and insecurities, AND that I am here to help and guide you with every pull of the wax. 
The simple truth is that, (most) everyone has eyebrows, and hair "down there" and most of them don't want it.
So, if you are ready to prove yourself wrong, get past that fear, and become THE go-to person for brow and Brazilian waxing, let's get a move on. Times a wastin'.
From now until 12pm midnight (PST) Tuesday July 9th I am offering all of my educational dvds, Brilliant Brows, The Wax Whisperers and The Secret Life of Brazilian Waxing for 30% off.  (that's 30% off each dvd.  Buy one, two or all three)
Click HERE to purchase and enter coupon code 30DVD at checkout.

You can have me in your home 24/7 forever to support you every day and every step of the way.

So Click HERE to take advantage of this offer and become the best waxer you can be. Enter Coupon code 30DVD at checkout. The clock is ticking.

P.S. - Feel free to Blue and share the love.  Education is a powerful thing. And waxing is a money maker.

Views: 94

Tags: Waxing, bikini, body, brazilian, male, waxing


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