Wax Show SOCAL Sunday May 19, 2013 in Ontario California


My friend Lori Crete (The Esthetician Mentor) called me and said she was having dinner with a group of Estheticians at the Chicago Show this past weekend, who said they were going to come hear me speak in Canada. 

Now, before you go out and buy a tuke and a plane ticket to the great white north, I thought I'd make sure you all know that the show is in Ontario CALIFORNIA, not Ontario Canada. 

Just for the record, I love Canada (even though they kicked me out last time I was there).  Long story:)

I hope to see you all in ONTARIO CALIFORNIA MAY 19TH.

Coo loo coo coo, coo coo coo coo...
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Sunday May 19, 2013
Embassy Suites Int'l Airport, Ontario California

What is THE WAX SHOW? 

So glad you asked.

If you haven't had a chance to experience "The Wax Show" in either Northern or Southern California, you are missing a great day.

When I was in training to be an Esthetician, I loved waxing.  They would give me all of the waxing clients because I was the only one who wasn't afraid to wax.  I even talked one of the instructors into letting me use her as a model, and did a demo of a bikini wax for the class. (Which I had NEVER done before). She was a brave soul.

So, I guess I was destined to be an educator from the start. 

The Wax Show was born out of the love of waxing and the realization that, education in performing quality waxing services (especially brows and Brazilians) barely existed.

I know you guys are probably sick of me saying this by now, but if you are not waxing you are losing serious money

BECAUSE... (say it with me)

waxing IS pure profit!

The Wax Show is structured to provide a well rounded approach to the waxing industry.  You get education via live waxing demonstrations and guest speakers who provide a look at what you need to be successful in both a business and practical sense.

Yes business!

As service providers we often forget that we are also business people and we need to be educated on how to run our business just as much as we need education on performing our services.

I hope you will join me and the other wonderful presenters who not only share a love for waxing, but a sincere passion for helping other beauty professionals unleash their power to reach their highest goals. 
Register for "The Wax Show" SOCAL 
It's super simple to register.  Just CLICK HERE, fill in all the information, submit payment via credit card using Paypal, (you don't need a paypal account to do pay with cc) or send in a check (all checks MUST be received by Friday May 10th).

Registration Fee:
ASCP members $112.50
Non-ASCP members $125

What is ASCP?
Associated Skin Care Professionals, are providers of professional liability insurance and other great benefits.  If you are not a member but are interested in checking them out, they are awesome and will be speaking at the show. 

Registration fee also includes lunch. 
Wax Show 2012 Testimonial
See you May 19th!   Don't miss out!

Views: 104

Tags: Waxing, brazilian, brow, design, speed, waxing


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