I actually had another title in mind for this post...

I sampled out Ageless Hydrating Serum to a facial client last month...she NEEDS this product more than anything else.

When she came back in I asked her how she liked it.  Most people that get a sample BUY this on their next visit - so I was expecting the same with her.

She told me that she hated the smell! Really?

Honestly - I never even think of this because I can't smell anything when I use it...not that I have the most sensitive sense of smell...

I was speechless (for a change)!

Has anyone else had this happen?

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Not specifically with the Ageless Hydrating serum, but i have had a couple say that with other image products.  I love the way they smell but I think the strong scent might be a bit much for some.  Overall I think the smell is why they love the products.  I've also had people not buy products or do a peel because of the bad smell.  I have a horrible sense of smell so I never even think about it.  I am just starting with Image products and haven't used the hydrating serum yet.  Now i want to open one.

I am really sensitive with smells myself...which is why I couldn't go with PCA for my line of choice.  Also textures bother me so anything that's too sticky I can't stand.  I don't have a problem with the Agless Serum (are you talking about the skin scripts one?) but the Vitamin C and green tea serum is not my favorite, but I use it.  I like the price point of both of these items.  Some people are just PICKY!!  LOL.  Maybe try the Image hyaluronic acid serum for her if she is needing the hydration.  I don't remember that having any sort of smell. 

I didn't care for the Image products personally. I am extremely sensitive and I believe one gave me a reaction, but I don't specifically remember a good or bad scent. Like Sheila said, some people are picky. My husband has a nose like a police dog; I, on the other hand, am the opposite. Good luck!

OMG I have a client last saturday saying that he can sleep with Vit C serum on his face. He said , he wakes up with the smeel . Can you belive.? I told him to try using during day time only. Let's see next appt what he will say. My husband too, he said Vit C serum is smelling so strong!!! lol.


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