Anyone else SICK AND TIRED of setting up at an event where there are millions of MLM skin care and cosmetic companies?  Sorry, had to vent about this.  At my recent event, there was a NuSkin and Mary Kay consultant.  The NuSkin woman came by my table and says what do you have?  I said I am a skin care spa blah blah.  She goes oh I can't be by you.  The the Mary Kay lady asked the same thing and her response was the same.  I said well I actually do facials not just sell product...she goes, yeah so do I.  WHAT? 

What bothers me is people who are not trained properly can consult people and tell them what products are best for their skin and they can apply product and do treatments as well. An arbonne rep told me once that hormonal acne can be treated with their products.  Really?  and all this time I thought you had to get the hormones under control to truly treat it.  Am I wrong? 

Makes me so angry!  Thanks for letting me vent.

Does anyone else feel aggravated?  If I hear, no this company is back by SCIENCE, one more time, I feel like screaming.  

Are any of the MLM companies good products????   

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I have to agree with you 100%!!!! I hate the fact that people who work for these companies think they are a  trained and Licensed Aesthetician.!!! Sure anyone can sell a product by reading what it does, but people who work for Arbonne or mary kay should not be doing facials, or think they know all there is about skin. We as Aestheticians put in our long hours studying the anatomy of the skin, skin conditions, and real solutions! I actually have a client that keeps mentioning her Arbonne business to me, as if I would buy anything!!! I recently bought Skin Script Blemish control spot treatment, which i love, and clients love, and this client says to me, "oh you should have told me Arbonne has a fantastic blemish cream urghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!   Its very annoying to me to be told about creams, and treatments by someone who picked this side gig up to make a few extra bucks and never went to school for it, and will never go to school...guess I'm venting too! I also told my client I can never sell it, its not organic, and she says" well its botanical" doesnt mean a thing!.......oh geez louise! please people keep the skincare to the skincare professionals and keep your days jobs! 

Vent on Teresa!!  I don't know if I mentioned before but the Arbonne that tried to target me got bnasty and said well I guess I can't help recommend your business to anyone since it competes with mine.  LOL!!  UUMM OK, I can do it myself...THANKS!!  The problem is..they pay a ton of money for pretty packaging that catches the consumers eye!  I would rather have a product with ok packaging that works than some pretty expensive bottle sitting in my cabinet getting crusty!!

Very true Sheila! The packaging always gets them, luckily i only have a few clients who still like the OTC stuff, and can't let go, I even have brochures on parabens! I inform them, but I can't control what they do at home...

I have a friend who uses Mary Kay, recommended by her hair stylist, who technically is licensed to give facials, but doesn't have the level of education we do.  It really irriatates me that someone who owns a Hair and Nail place is giving people skin advice, and advising them to use Mary Kay. I just have to wonder if she is giving facials with it, which I guess would be legal.  I bet she would be upset if I decided to sell OTC hair products and color people's hair for $10.   :)

I have been an RN for 30 years. I specialize in oncology and infectious disease. I feel I know quite a bit about the entire human body, all of it's systems. I made a very conscious decision to work with Arbonne because of the products. I have researched a lot, and like the absence of harmful ingredients, many of which you find in Medical grade skin care and of course what you buy over the counter at department stores. Let's face it, skin care is a billion dollar a year gig and seems everyone want their share of the pie. There are MD offices selling their own "brand" and I for one do not believe the docs have much to do with the formulation. There are people in every avenue of skin care and I think you all can admitt, there are some people who really know their stuff and some that really don't. We have MD's, nurses, dieticians ( nutrition line) and yes estheticians. And yes some folks who may not be so highly trained. You will find that everywhere do we really think the gals at Macy's ans Nordys have a full understanding of what they sell. I happened to have the best Esthetician on the plant, but really I have had some losers.
MLM is simply a way of distributing products, it has very little to do with the products themselves. There is junk everywhere out there. I do happen to like the MLM system, after working hospitals, corporate and most everything. The premise is a good one......You only get where you want to get by helping others get where they want to be....oh if only the whole world function like that right?
I have a tremendous respect for professionals who help women look and feel better about themselves, that is what is really important at the end of the day. Let's all pass on the judgements and respect everyone where they are

I am so sick and tired of these companies and their sales people contacting me! I will never do bussiness with them and will always carry professional products that are exclusive to spas only!!

Ok now I want to scream! I just joined this women in business group through and therevwascanother woman who has the same name as me and she's apparently in to marketing. Well she then tells me about Nu Skin and how it's a great product and yadda yadda lol. So I tell her that I only use products that require a license and she kept pushing it. I've never been approached so brazenly by a MLM rep. I sometimes wish they would go away!

the networking groups are unfortunately INFESTED with them, Mary Kay, Nu Skin, Nerium, It Works, Rodan and Fields, Arbonne, Avon, ETC ETC!  It's really ANNOYING!!!  We are targets!! 

I really don't see it that way! Even though I endorse and use a directly sold brand, because I genuinely believe it's the best, I still get completely annoyed with all of the above! And they are inundated! But I kind of take a slightly arrogant approach--thanks to my superior product, my superior education and my professional experience, I feel I have no competition at all! Just have that attitude and you will come off as professional and will totally stand out!


Gabriel, that's pretty funny that you agree with the frustration!

Honey, You're the CAUSE of it, and just as guilty as those other companies that you mention.

Estheticians have become targets or marks for mlm sellers, and your company would be at the top of the list for this tactic. There is nothing "better" about your line than most of us are already using. Professional skin care lines are formulated by people who know a LOT more about the physiology of the skin than just your dermatologists, people who have dedicated themselves to real progress and research and not just the desire to make a quick buck.

You do not have the knowledge or education to offer anything other than the same blah, blah, blah I have heard a hundred times.

Sheila-I agree. I can't say with a 100% certainty that these MLM skin care products are junk, but my best guess is they are junk and most estheticians won't sell them. I haven't used any of them to know whether they are good or not, but I expect they are like the beauty counter skin care products.  Many of these companies use the rep to hound their friends, families and co-workers in to buying their stuff. It is the ultimate cult;they  guilt people in to buying the products. I know that Ronan and Fields is a big one right now. I think, or at least hope, that consumers will realize that many of these MLM companies are selling ineffective products. I think after clients use professional products they will see the difference in their skin.

I had a friend approach me the other day too about Arbonne....a friend!  I just simply said I need a product that is not competitive and sold exclusively by me...not a hundred other people.  Also, I have now put that I only work with professional products and do not support any mlm skin care lines.  So frustrating and Yes Cindy we are TARGETS!  Don't they think being that they are so aggressive that we haven't already heard about their crap and that if we wanted to we would jump on board.  GET A CLUE MLM'rs


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