I have been a Licensed Esthetician since 2001. I had a few questions about obtaining Master Esthetician recognition. Does the Master Esthetician program vary state to state? Is there a National exam or course that you can take and pass? Or can you be considered a Master Esthetician after being licensed say 5+ years etc.? If there is no certification offered in my state, by obtaining one from another state say NY, is that signifigant. I am interested in advancing my education and credentials and have worked in almost every facet of the skin care industry. Iam in the state of PA. Sorry for all the questions. I appreciate any information you could give me.
Becoming a Master Esthetician will depend on what state you are licensed in, not every state offers these licenses. For Example Utah has dual licensure, you can be a esthetician or a master esthetician, but in Massachusetts there is only 1 license. I would check with your state board for more information. Thanks!