
I am new to Skin Script and want to use an enzyme peel with my microderm facials. Curious to see if you all use it before or after the micro? Thanks :)

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Hi Jessica,

I use Skin Script and do both depending on my clients needs.  I attended a class with Lisa and she advised If I am working on correcting a Pigment issue I Micro first. So think PM. Pigment=Micro first. Hope that helps.

Awesome!  I'm glad you picked that up.  You are absolutely right.  The esthetician needs to determine which order to perform the treatments.

1)  Enzyme first, micro second:  The enzyme will soften the stratum corneum and allow your microdermabrasion to be much more effective and polishing the skin.  Use this order when you want to work more effectively at the surface of the skin.

2)  Micro first, enzyme/peel second:  The microderm will remove surface dead skin so that when you apply the enzyme or peel, it will penetrate further and get deeper into the skin.  Use this method when you want to work more with pigmentation.

So here in the state of Wisconsin we can not do both services in the same day ,if I wait 48 hrs in between each service, will I still be getting the same results? driving the peel deeper in # 2 or as in #1 will the startum corneum still be softened enough? And how often would you do something like this ? (every week or once a month) or maybe everyother week depending on how the clients skin is responding :)


Cheryl - I think I would see this client once a week for 6 weeks if you are working on corrective treatments.  You might alternate treatments to achieve the best results.

Thank you both very much for the info, very helpful :) I absolutely love the enzyme peels Lisa, I am so glad I found them!!


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