I recently got a new client (yay!) who is 76 yrs old, and has very deep set wrinkles. Here is some background info : She had radiation skin treatments when she was in her younger years for her acne and used to be a "sun worshipper". She has some very large pores (holes) in her skin as well as some cysts on her chin . She also used to be a smoker for more years than she can remember. Needless to say her skin is a little thick. She wants to look and feel better so she has stopped smoking, and she wants to fix her skin. We talked during her consult about reasonable expectations ;)  and she is so cool. She said any improvement will make her happy. 

I do not have a microcurrent machine, but I do have a diamond tip microderm machine and I just ordered a Ultrasonic Spatula from Shelley Hancock :). After the Skin Script webinar yesterday I thought that perhaps I could use the passion fruit enzyme on her with some microderm on specific areas. based on the webinar, the passionfruit will warm up the skin, increase circulation and stimulate the increase of collagen which will fill in some wrinkly areas. I would like to get some feedback from some other experience esty's using skinscript on what else you think I could do to get her the best possible results although I do not have a high tech equipment treatment room (yet ). She has paid me for 6 treatments in advance and I want to make sure I Wow her the best way I can.

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Glad to see this topic come up! I have a women that age coming in. This Sat. For a consult. I like your thought on the Passionfruit and I wonder if you could add the blueberry enzyme to it? The Salicylic will clean out the large pores and glycolic soften and smooth. She could even experience some pore shrinking a little. I have been playing around with blending enzymes and have been liking the results. My favorite is lemon zest/blueberry for oily, comedone skin. Have you done any back treatments with skin script yet? Good luck and keep us posted.

I look forward to hearing everyone's post to Sandra's request above.

I think the Passionfruit would be great too.  Once you and your client are comfortable with the reaction/response to the Passionfruit, you can add glycolic to that enzyme also.  You can also use a different enzyme on the areas with larger pores (e.g., put the Pomegranate or Blueberry enzyme on the larger pores, but put Passionfruit everywhere else.)

Thanks Lisa, I am looking forward to starting this treatment plan with her. I know I have to keep my expectations reasonable considering the situations I listed. But I would like to see something. I wonder if she would let me take before and after photos ? How could I do that without offending her ?  Also do you think that using the ultrasonic spatula would be a worthwhile/ effective tool to use on her along with a little microderm on her chin and forehead  ( these are the areas with cysts and hardened oil pockets ). I am leary about doing a full microderm on her face because her skin has very little elasticity &  the wrinkles are just so bad, deep and thick.

Thanks for your input Lara, I had not considered layering/blending enzymes. Sounds good, I may perhaps experiment with that before she comes back in.  She definitely needs some pore shrinking. One of the pores is like an actual h*** in the middle of her cheek and she has no idea how or when It appeared. Just said she been dealing with it for a few years now. It was full of makeup, I was able to extract most of it but not completely clean. She is such a sweet & vibrant lady, I am so excited to work with her. How many clients do you have in this age group ? I am starting to see several now...interesting.  No I have not done back treatments with skinscript yet...one other thing I need to play around with .

I have several clients between 60-75. Another thing you could use is LED. That will also shrink the pores and because it sounds like her skin is not at its best right now she would probably see results quickly. Shelley Hancock has a new LED mask for sale around $300 I think. I may purchase if as I have a handheld and is more time consuming. Small investment for a great ending to a facial. (LED also stimulates collagen and elastin in addition to tissue repair and cellular regeneration.

Yes Lara, I think you are right about the LED ...I hope I will be able to get that mask from Shelley before she returns for her next appointment. It is on my wish list of equipment for my treatment room.

I would take advantage of the opportunity to do progressive treatments.

For this age group (and myself too) I would avoid the microdermabrasion.

Unless you are real careful, I find that this doesn't offer the same benefits as the peels you have at your disposal.

Start with a basic facial - if you haven't already - like the raspberry/peach to see how her skin responds.

I would try to get her worked up to the lactic peel as soon as possible. Get her on top tier homecare too...both serums and the Peptide Restoration Moisturizer and Tri-Peptide eyecream.

I see no reason NOT to work up to the TCA peel to finish up her series, but others may disagree. :)

Oh - and I say thumbs up to LED also!

Cindy, I don't have much experience with the TCA. When do you use it, skin type, etc.?..thanks

Interestingly Cindy I did start her out on the raspberry peach enzyme , and her skin responded fine. I also recommended the peptide moisturizer and peptide eyecream among other things. Good to know I am thinking along similar lines as you. However , I do not have any experience with the TCA peel so I'm not sure about that. Why would you want to end it with the TCA ? I'm curious to have more clarity about your approach. Also what do you think about just doing the microderm on those tough areas like her chin ?

Skin Script's TCA is a unique, gentle peel to lift pigmentation (keep reading below for more options).  I formulated this one SPECIFICALLY for Fitz 4-6, meaning I wanted something gentle to deliver the lighters Arbutin, Kojic and Azaleic Acid to the melanocyte without trauma to the skin.  When you apply it, you might receive a tingle factor of a "2".  People will think its not effective because its so mild, but with higher fitzpatricks I can't have any trauma.  It's a beta peel (self-neutralizing) and it stays on the skin for at least 8 hours.  I normally use the TCA in a series.

Week 1 consult and prep the skin with SS products

Week 2 I perform a light glycolic peel

Week 3 I perform a light lactic peel

Week 4 I apply 2 layers of the TCA depigmentation peel

Weeks 5-7 the skin rests with minor peeling

Week 8 I apply 4-8 layers of the TCA


What I think Cindy is suggesting above is that you can perform many treatments that lead up to a gentle TCA that a 76-yr old woman will probably be okay with because it is on the mild side.  With homecare and a series of peels that lead up the scale, you will receive some amazing results.


My bottom line with the TCA is DO NOT BE AFRAID OF IT.  Try one layer on yourself, then try 2 layers on yourself.  We get amazing feedback on this peel when its performed in the series described above.  Minimal downtime, but all the results, yet cost effective.

Does it work on all skin types and is it safe for rosacea skin?

Yes, it does work on all skin types.  As far as rosacea goes, I would work her up to it.  E.g., perform 1 coconut enzyme, then 2-3 lactic peels, and if all goes well, then try 1-2 layers of the TCA.  It doesn't create blood flow, so I'm not consider about vascular dialation.  However, everyone responds differently, so start slow.


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