What is your previous experience (in your home country)? Are you already an esthetician? If you want to become a professional esthetician in the USA, you will have to go to school for it, and then get a state license. When you have a license, you can work as an esthetician anywhere (at home, or at a spa or salon).
In California, the license requires 600 hours of education. You can find a list of skin care schools here: Skin Care Schools by State.
1. Business plan/ decide type of business/ get the money for it
2. Get business license from State you are in
3. Get the license for business from the town you are in, to
4. For aesthetic, Cosmetology and barber business get the State Board of Cosmetology licenses (as worker and for the shop) and inspection of the facility
Research for them in the internet. Each State has its own regulations.
Ex. Tennessee need 750 hours minimum of school for aesthetics before the State license exam. Other things here: your business must not have any common area with the living area in the house. No pets, fish or birds! No use of candles with flame. Bathroom and supplementary 1 sink with running hot and cold water in the treatment room. Waxing and facials must be done in separate rooms.