Hello fello Skin Script users! I just wanted to know has anyone had great results with clients that have extreme acne using this line? I love working with acne clients, because I dealt, and still deal with it myself so I understand their frustration. I just started working with a client that is fitzpatrick is between 2and 3 an one that is between 5 and 6. So if anyone can let me know what is the best enzyme, or protcol to use on this 2 skin types I would appreciate it. Thank you.

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Are they oily with breakouts or dry with breakouts?  Do they have a lot of clogged pores?  I would double check their ingredients on what they are using and make sure there are no pore cloggers, ep in their makeup.  The coconut enzyme is great if they are dry and sensitive and the pomegranate is great for oily and acne but this one is hot.  You may have to cut it with some of the strawberry mint mask at first.  Then peels could either go lactic or cranberry turnover depending again if they are dry or not.  do you have access to LED?  I would def do led and high freq as well.  Another thing and this is not a SS product (yet ;) ) I would look into getting them on a mandelic serum and mayve even a BPO.  I have started a new regimen (I am combo with clogged from makeup use and working on learing and have switched makeup, I also get hormonal cystic type breakouts on chin, I think because chin is dry with tight clogged pores so they get inflammed) I have been doing glycolic wash am with blemish pads and at night I do the blemish cleanser with glycolc pads.  Every couple days in the am I am using a scrub (not ss but their scrub is great) to help with the clogged pores.  This regimen has been about 2 weeks now.  I also use a mandelic serum at night and use blue and red led light.  Hope this helps.  I have have been doing an enzyme and lactic peel on a weekly basis or every other week. 

also find out what supplements they take if any, what their diet is like, etc.  High salt/dairy can aggravate, and vitamins with iodides should be avoided. 

LaToya - I have some of the same questions as Sheila.  Also, what is their age?  Are you seeing pustules, papules, open comedomes, closed comedomes?  Once I know what you are looking at when you mean "extreme acne" we can address the root cause and choose the correct products.  Also, what are they currently using for homecare?

Well my 1st client that is a fitzpratrick that is between 5 and  6 is 26 yrs and oily in the Tzone, and has alot of closed and open comedomes on the forehead, chin, and chest area. Her home care as of today is clean and clear. I just sent her home with a glycolic cleanser(only because that is all I had), and I did the Pomegranate enzyme protcol facial. Also this client doesnt wear makeup at all.

2nd client is a fitzpatrick between 3 and 4 and is 30 and has open and closed comedomes mainly in the cheek area, and a few pustules on the chin area. She also has breakouts on her chest. Her home care was a cleanser that she got from her Dermatologist , and he also gave her a oral medication to treat it.I send her home with a sample of the glycolic cleanser, and the blemish control cleanser and toner.This client uses a mineral makeup.

I guess when say extreme acne I am saying that because I had to do alot extractions on both. Also I do not have high frequency(it broke), or use LED lights. If you all think it really helps with acne then I need to contact Shelley Hancock ASAP :) Thanks ladies for your help.

I love her LED mask, I have one at home and one in my treatment room!  I think for starting out it's a great investment!!  I would say with the comedones sounds like they need maybe the retinol scrub...but Lisa is the expert :).  Double check the mineral makeup for pore cloggers...i was using Glominerals, professional line and the foundation had 4!!  I used that for a year and a half.  Also, if she wears blush that may explain the clogged in the cheek areas.  I had a client one time that used mac blush and literally without makeup on it looked like she had blush on because how clogged the cheek bone area was.  I have seen great results with the lemon enxyme and steam for clogged pores too, probably the best resluts actually. 

Hey Sheila, quick question for you. I just went online to find the LED Mask, and that thing looks amazing! Have you had enough clients yet that you have before/after photos? I have a lot of clients coming to me for acne, after failed treatments from Dermatologists, and I think this may be something to invest in. Second question - as for Glo Minerals and pore clogging ingredients, for your own skin, what are you now using? I am looking for something myself (and it sounds like my skin is comparable to yours). - Sara

Honestly I am bad and I don't really take before and after :-/.  I have used blue and red on myself and I like the red better but I used it on blue on a young client and called and said the next day she looked a little better but she lived out of town and left that morning.  I haven't had anyone sign up for the package of 6 to get real results but I definitely think its worth the investment, expecially for yourself :). 

As far as makeup I have found that the Purminerals 4-1 liquid foundation doesn't have any pore cloggers and bare miunerals powder doesn't seem to have any so I can mix that with a moisturizer and make a liuquid out of it too.  I have been using most of the acne protocol with SS but I am also incorporating the mandelic serum and some benzoyl peroxide from face reality.  While I haven't had many hormonal breakouts this month, my chin (esp near corners of my mouth) seem really bumpy.  Like tiny bumps under the skin that when exracted have stuff in them but I am not sure if this is a comedone or what is considered macne from makeup use.  My skin may seem worse because it's purging the years worth of clogged pores.  Not sure.  Let me know what you decide;.

Hi LaToya and Sheila:  Here's my input.

Client 1 with the clean and clear has overstripped her skin and imagine she is dehydrated (not necessarily dry as you mention the tzone oiliness) and has some keratinized skin.  For homecare I like the glycolic cleanser and retinol scrub used 3-4 times per week, cucumber toner and hydrating serum (of course you will need a primary cleanser such as the green tea cleanser, appropriate moisturizer and spf).  For professional treatments, I would lean towards a series of 6 glycolic peels - one week apart (in conjuction with the homecare).

Client 2 - I like Sheila comments on the makeup and possible a phone that sits against her cheek.  It sounds hormonal since you mention the chest area also (possible food allergies??).  I like your idea of the glycolic cleanser and blemish cleanser (see which one works best for her).  I might suggest a series of 6 glycolic peels for this client also (maybe spot treating the pustular acne with the Cranberry Turnover 20% salicylic).

Thanks ladies I really appreciate it. I will make sure to use all the information. I need to order the glycolic peel ASAP because I set them on a pom enzyme.Thanks


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