I just got my lemon zest enzyme and lactic peel yesterday, and of course I couldn't wait to try it on myself ! I added the lactic acid to the enzyme because I wanted the boost in the skin lightening for my hyperpigmented areas (from acne). I loved how my skin felt, afterwards, it was definitely more hydrated. But when I woke up in the morning a had a few closed comedones (whiteheads) on my right cheek and jaw area. It's a little bit pinkish/red ,Kind of looks like a little bit of p.acnes bacteria. Anyone have any idea as to why this reaction ? I've done the glycolic peels and not had a reaction. Is my skin "purging" ?

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I had that same reaction from my modified jesseners peel.

I have seen this happen with "abnormal desquamation" after a peel.  I imagine you will get a little flaky in the next couple of days.  Extra moisturizer and gentle exfoliation to help the desquamation process.  Like Marlene mentions that it happened after a Jessners, it is common to perform a "clean up" facial with a gentle enzyme 10 days later.

wow, okay thanks for the info. It's so interesting though, that it is only on one side of my face. As the day progresses I see that it has "spread" further up from my cheek and jawline to my temples. I used my high frequency on it. I hope it calms down in a day or so...peeling I can deal with, red prickly bumps ...not so much . lol!

Sandra - have you tried the Lemon Zest by itself?  It sounds like the treatment was either too aggressive for your skin, or you might have had a reaction to l-ascorbic acid.  What is your feeling?

Hi Lisa, I am a few weeks late on this post but in answer to your question; no I have not tried the lemon zest by itself on me yet. I agree that perhaps it may have been too aggressive for my skin since I had not ever used lactic on my skin prior to this treatment. Since then though I have put myself on a series of 6 lactic peels , I just completed my 4th one and have had no adverse reactions. When I am done with my series I plan to go back and do the Lemon zest by itself. I will have to do some more research also on the l-ascorbic acid as well, it seems like it is something I definitely need to know about. Thanks

I had a reaction to this combo as well, a little different though. I have pretty resilient skin and had to remove this enzyme/peel after like 30 secs. I could see myself getting really red right thru the orange color of the mask. I was fiercely red and inflamed. I woke up two hours after going to sleep burning and unable to lay my face on my pillow. I did do a dermafiling beforehand and an FSD treatment that day as well. I may have been a little over-zealous with my facial treatments that day. I was all better in about 3 days. Never had such a reaction to anything before. I think it was the dermafiling.

Yikes!  I'm glad it happened to you and not your client.  I think we tend to get over-zealous as you mentioned above.  Sometimes enzymes are enough to achieve great results.  My exfoliant fundamental class and protocols give you options of adding acids and modalities, WHEN NEEDED, but not on a first time treatment.  My experience tells me that I don't need to get overly aggressive.  Sometimes we think if one thing is great (enzyme), three has got to be better (enzyme, acid, modality).  Build up to these aggressive treatments only when needed.

My skin responds positively to light treatments.  I do very well with Coconut enzyme, or a Pomegranate.  But the minute I add an acid I'm peeling.

It's a matter of finding the perfect blend for you and your client.  Remember that we have all these great tools on our backbar, just use them effectively and don't over wrench the skin.

I thought the same thing...better me than a client. My husband says I'm gonna be like the women who are addicted to plastic surgery (lol).

a little over-zealous?

wow - I guess so!

Progressive treatments are a lot safer, there is no need to use everything all at once!


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