I want some opinions on to use a steamer or not?  I know steamers have always been used and taught with facials-that has always shocked me because I know that steam can irritate and not be good for all skin types.  I have always used a steamer at past places I have worked, but I just opened my own location and am debating on to purchase one or not.  Any advice?

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Thank you. I love your ideas. I am in the process of deciding to go out on my own vs. work for a Med Spa run by a crazy nurse whose husband has given her free reign with his medical license. She is a wanna be esthetician (you would think with a nursing degree she would go get an esth. license) and she runs the spa like it is a playground. I've been toying with renting a space on my own.

Sounds like you should go with your gut and do your own thing...the Med Spa doesn't sound too appealing!

Yes, I agree. Do you work for yourself? Any tips?

I have worked for myself for 25 years now...ouch, it hurts to say I've done something for that long...that means I'm gettin' old!! Please feel free to give me a call if you'd like to talk through anything, especially this med spa opportunity. You can reach me at (650) 610-0619.

Thanks. I am in the process of moving soon, but when I get settle hopefully I can get started on my own.

You don't look old so I would be proud to say how many years you've been doing it because you are case and point why skin care matters. You are beautiful!

@ Nicole - I just saw that...

"she runs the spa like it is a playground"

...made me laugh - but I know just what you mean!

Shelley I just wanna say that because of those 25 years of experience, I and thousands so estis look up to you. So be proud and keep up with the grate advices. Thank you.

Thank you so very much...you made my evening!!!!

Shelley what other things do you incorporate into you facial with no steam??

I use Radiancy's FSD which uses light and heat, so it opens the pores for good extractions. I also do oxygen infusion with RejuvenAir and then electroporation and then my LED panel....fun stuff!!

I just had a client tonight tell me she thought it was odd I didn't steam her but noticed I had one. She also noted that even without it, extractions were done painlessly and Shelley's led mask was a hit!

It really depends on your demographic. For certain treatments/skin types, steam is a contraindication. However, they are right when people say they have lost clients over not having a steamer. I think clients believe that it is a staple, and it's not professional unless you have one. It also could be a sensory thing as well for them. Either way, I'd get one and use it when you need it. They are not super pricey, so it is a good investment.


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