Please do not take offense to my response. It is based on my interpretation of your question. Based on how you have asked the question it does not seem as though you have any training in performing these two types of peels. Which type of peel to use depends on the client, their skin type and condition, and what you are tying to achieve from the treatment. Visible peeling does not always have to occur for the client to get the desired results. I personally would not attempt to perform any type of peel without proper training. (liability, liability, liability) Different manufactures design their peels differently, some need to be neutralized some not. There are different variables to consider. I have taken a few peel classes and chose to get certified with PCA Skin. I found their education to be very good and the company is very good to deal with. There are other great companies out there, check them out. Best of luck to you in your career!
Typically from my experience and what I was taught in school, go for the Jessner when you have scaring issues and TCA for pigmentation issues. Usually clients will see peeling with 3 or so layers but eeryone is different. If you peel the decolette I don't find that it usually peels. I beleive an Aesthetician can go up to 5 layers...a dr can go up to 10. I have never taken anyone past 3 or 4 personally. Sometimes you can just spot treat if you want to go more layers on certain area. PCA has really great peel training and I love Skin Scripts Peels. A lot of places won't sell TCA unless it's a DR. Hope htis helps.
use TCA on aging skin with pigmentation and jessener on acne prone oily seborhaic skin type!
you could layer is depened on the client skin, pree treatment plan etc..
if you did not do training on peels i would requamend do so like the first comment sad peels depened on lot of things on there ph , on there level and much more!
hope this helped a bit
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