I'd like to get some feedback on this product.  Thanks!

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As far as I can see just the latest MLM nonsense.

...and now it starts.


Wow!  I just called by one of MY clients to ask me if I had ever heard of this product or did I want to try a sample from her!  UNBELIEVABLE!!  At over $100 dollars a pop, I don't think it will be a very easy sell for her.  I can't stand these companies who do not support professionals and market to consumers who think they can market to our clients.  I'm sorry, "unlicensed moms at home" do not know a thing about skincare and it irritates the heck out of me when unlicensed people try to sell skincare.  Most of them can't even pronounce the ingredients correctly, let alone tell me where it came from or how it works on the skin. It devalues our industry and there should be some type of laws supporting this.  Where is the state board on this?  They insist you have a license to do the services!  Why not to sell the retail products? I thought these boards were for professionals?  How are MLM's getting in here?

Most people don't know what the heck an esthetician is let alone how valuable our services can be especially when they have an Avon lady who can sell them the latest night creme.   I know we are licensed professionals but it takes work convincing a "marketed" society that we know what we are doing and are a better choice than the marketed garbage that's out there.  I think it would be great if as a group we could put together a televised ad/campaign, sort of like the RN's did for themselves - telling everybody to ask for an RN when they needed services.  It got the word out that the RN's are more valuable and people regularly know to ask for an RN.  I wonder if the Associated Skin Care Professionals would be willing to do this, maybe if we all contributed something as a group for marketing?

Yes it is very irritating!


For those Bashing Nerium... I have to say my piece as well. First of all... look into to the background of the Company. Nerium was accidently discovered originally during skin cancer trials at MD Anderson Hospital as a topical treatment. Ironically, patients did see improvement in their skin as an anti-aging concept emerged. The ingredients are plant based.. No Parabens, Cruelty Free, Gluten Free and Non- Comedogenic. I too,,,, said No a year ago when the Company was launched. I kick my self now because I see all the results of people using it and seeing amazing results. As the economy fluctuates, my clients was Easy, Simply & Effective Products.. they trust me to guide them in the right direction! What determines which Skincare Companies are " Professional" and which are not??   I have to remain diversified in earning income and keeping clients. Nerium AD is helping me do BOTH!  CLients can actually earn their product for FREE... Tell me which other skincare product used in the Esthetics field does that?? Being a Licensed Esthetician  only Verifies even more  the benefits of using  the product. Instead of people spending $100's of dollars monthly on stuff that usually offers No Results.... Nerium is proving to work with a 30% Reduction in Lines & Wrinkles within the first 30 days! Sounds pretty good to me.

Janet,  Excellent response.  I, too, wish I had worked it more when I originally tried Nerium.  I see and have heard so many good results.  Even though I had seen early good results, I still had to prove more to myself so I started using the Nerium as an anti-aging mask during my facial protocols.  And I have seen a tremendous improvement in 85% of my clients even in that 10 to 15 minute process.  I was amazed.  Yes Nerium works and I can easily integrate into my practice without hurting it.  As a matter of fact, it creates more opportunity from a wholistic perspective for me.

Connie, I'm glad you see the value in accepting the changing market of skincare! It is super easy to integrate into  my practice and earn commissions on customers who order the product on a monthly basis. After all... we are in the business to make a living... right??? :)

I would like to reply to both Janet and Connie and I mean no disrespect. I find it very interested that you would integrate an MLM product into your practices. Most people come to an esthetician for professional advice and professional treatments using professional products. Why would someone come into your practice and pay you for services using a product they can purchase from the stay at home mom next door? Getting your clients to purchase Nerium is not going to save them $100 as you state. Even if a client chooses to use the Nerium, they still need other product for their skin care needs such as cleansers, toners, exfoliants, moisturizers, and sunscreens. The Nerium is NOT an all in one product and certainly not for every skin type or skin condition. 

I don't know how you can claim that you see 85% improvement by applying Nerium for 10 to 15 minutes. How do you know these results you are seeing are from the Nerium and not from the professional product you are also using during the treatments? Are you saying that you don't see results from the line that you carry in your practice? Maybe try a different professional line to get results? Did you do patch testing on the client? One area with and one area without the Nerium? I am not sure what professional line you use but did you verify with the company to make sure there are not any contraindications with adding Nerium to their protocol?  I would be careful as the long term side affects of using Nerium is still under scrutiny.

I have done the research on Nerium and every ingredient and there is nothing in it that would give the results that they promise. The Oleandrin that is claimed to be the magic ingredient was discovered to kill cancer cells. If it can kill cancer cells what is it doing to the healthy cells?  Again, long term side affects of using this product have not yet been disclosed.

Jenn, Respectfully I think some people are missing the point to this Nerium discussion. I agree, the objective of  using the Nerium is to try to replace the multiple skin correction products clients are already using such as: Line Correctors, fillers, Botox, Dermal fillers, laser treatments, skin lighteners.. etc.  And.. also to create client loyalty by offering alternatives to facelift and surgical procedures.

YES they still need daily care products like cleansers, toners, sunscreens etc.  


Let me first address the skin cancer comment... no one has ever said Nerium WAS killing cancer cells.  A component and/or  multiple ingredients before Nerium became Nerium  was introduced as a trial treatment for skin cancer patients. It was then discovered that combination was having the skin correction qualities! Therefore Nerium AD was "born".. so to say.

Next, regarding introducing MLM products into  an Esthetics practice... well Why Not? Because we were taught only one way in school ?: To Buy inventory, mark it up 50% or more then try to convince clients to pay for it so we can make commission on it  ( depending on the setting estheticians are working.)   I have always been a "think outside the box" kind of person.  Both of my skin care lines are Direct sales companies. Do they work? Heck yes they work!  The point of going to Esthetics school is to gain knowledge of the skin, identify issues and develop treatments that correlate with the clients needs, desires & Yes... Budget!!


And... if I happen to be able to make a residual income doing so.. then Yay for me! LOL.

I am attaching the Safety Information Document  in case anyone is interested :) 




Thankyou  Janet - well said.  Jenn selling Nerium or whatever MLM or professional product line you believe in (and "yes" I ethically do believe in this product which before being introduced to the retail/professional world was used for 10 years safely in clinical trials by scientists and doctors) is a choice based on your experiences and preference.  There is proven science behind the product.  Additionally, from the perspective of offering facials - there obviously is more to a facial than just applying Nerium to 15 minutes.  I do have a certain protocol that works - that includes, cleansing, exfoliation, a bit of mild microcurrent, an amazing facial massage and more depending of the facial service.   The aspect is to educate my clients to  nourish and protect their skin with not only products but through nutrition.   As I mentioned in an earlier post - respectfully, it is whatever works for you and your clients.  To each their own philosophy and opinion.

(I do not mean any dissrespect in the following statements--you are a licensed professional and can do as you like. My opinions are based on my friend's experience with Nerium (and two other people that I know that use it) and my experience working in a medical esthetics environment. I am not claiming to be an expert--just adding my opinions. I will be happy to e-mail anyone who would like to see the pics of my friend who used Nerium--tried to add it here, but was not successful.)


I would love to see the entire face of these pictures. If Nerium has such outstanding results as shown by these pictures than a lot of cosmetic surgeons will be out of business quickly. This looks like Restylne or some other type of filler in my opinion.

I was given a bottle of this product ( I did not use it myself-my friend did) and she did the requested "before and "after" pictures. She did not see any visible results after finishing the entire bottle--I was told to expect to see visible results within the first week even. I knew it was too good to be true.

My friend didn't like the "garden salad-like stench" nor did she think the small amount of product warranted such a hefty price tag especially when she didn't see any changes in her skin. When we told this to the Nerium rep she was actually offended and said 

" I know it works," but it didn't work in either my friend's opinion or mine. And I will say I kept an open mind because my friend is a stay-at-home mom and would have loved to jump on the MLM bandwagon to make a little extra cash, but she didn't want to sell it after using it.

If Nerium is working for a group of people then more power to them, but I wouldn't waste my money or recommend it to anyone. I think you as an esthetician can sell any product line you want, but I do believe we all take a professional oath to only sell what we actually believe (based on our professional knowledge) will preserve and maintain the health of the skin, and of course improve it. I personally wouldn't feel comfortable selling it based on the ridiculous price tag, the stench of the product, and the fact that I have not personally witnessed anyone using it to have significant changes to their skin like the ones in the above picture. I can only sell what I believe in.

Great idea Brigitte!  I would gladly contribute if it would make people more aware of the value of getting skin care advice from a skin care professional.


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