I have a client that suffers from upper lip pigmentation.

She's a Fitz 3 and her skin care routine includes a bpo cleanser, CC medicated acne lotion, Daily Defense Matte SPF30 and PCA's botanical Clearskin.

She's been coming in for brow and lip waxing services every few months for the past couple years. Her pigmentation appeared last fall while on a trip to Hawaii. We waxed 2 weeks prior to her departure and the pigmentation was not apparent prior to her trip.

She texted me of her concern and I advised extra sun protection(wide-brimmed hat) as well as increased SPF application and suggested she visit me when she returned.

After assessing the lip pigmentation, coupled with slight increased pigmentation on her forehead, I suspected melasma. She is taking birth control pills but they haven't ever been an issue before. She has also traveled to Hawaii on a regular basis(a few times a year) in the past as well. The only marked difference in her lifestyle/routine that I could note was stress.

I suggested trying Ageless bleaching serum. She wanted to wait and see if it would fade on its own, which it did slightly, so we didn't proceed with any corrective treatment.

She just messaged me letting me know that she will be leaving for Hawaii again and is worried that the hyperpigmentation will return and/or get worse while she is there and wants to know what she can use to help prevent it.

How would you proceed?  

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How old is she? I have found that as I have gotten into my 30s I am getting areas of melasma!! Hormone fluctuations or changes more than likely. Ubforunately I think if she is going to be in the sunblock, a good pro sunblock is going to be her best friend!! When she isn't going to be in the sun I would get her on some home care w lightening and then professionally start her w peels.. Maybe a few lactic type or ones w lightening agents. Let her knowshw will always have I tans the key is maintaining ESP w proper homecare. She can lighten it of course but sun exposure will always make it come back.
She is 27; I have her using the Daily Defense Matte SPF30.
Thanks for your insight!

melasma is a combination of hormone-induced sun damage. Upper lip pigmentation is hormonal as well as induced by waxing.

Does she have acne? BPO can also make her photo-sensitive. Peroxide is used in bleaching agents. If she's on birth control pills, even if it wasn't a problem before, it will become a problem eventually. 

She needs to use bleaching products, SPF daily, and cover from the sun (I use hats when I know I will be out for longer periods of time), I drive with gloves and wear white long sleeves with a backward shirt just to cover my arms.  But that's me - I have sun-phobia :-)

Once summer is over, I would do a deep peeling on her and she will have to make some lifestyle changes. Perhaps change her current skincare products.

The sun is her worst enemy- yes she probably will hyperpigmentate from it. The recommendations that you have given her are her best bet. Perhaps a higher level of hydroconone (sp) from a dermatologist they can give 4%.

@Monica, yes she does have acne which we've been able control with the BPO wash as well as the CC Medicated Acne Lotion.

She does not want to proceed with professional treatments at this time but she would prob commit to a lightening agent with her homecare. Along with my previously mentioned suggestions, I'm thinking the Ageless total bleaching serum 1-2xday after she returns from Hawaii. I'm hesitant to begin the lightening treatment with her before she leave, as I'm worried she's going to have increased pigmentation either way...
I also carry PCA homecare. Not sure if any of you are familiar with that line. They have a couple different options as well.

I'm not sure if the hyperpigmentation was a delayed reaction due to waxing, or if its hormone-induced.


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