I am getting so many emails (from my blog) and fb messages about Nerium and Rodan & Fields (and a couple of others). This subject has been discussed to death on this forum but I just need to vent b/c no one else will understand quite like other Estheticians. :)
I am so tired of them telling me how wonderful their products are but when I give them facts about why I don't agree they are better, they don't refer to any of that. They will simply send me pictures or tell me how they have talked to this doctor or that doctor and they all think it is so wonderful. I don't care! I'm done responding to these people. I won't go back and forth but I was trying to be nice and at least respond once. I can't do it anymore. I'm not interested in a fight and I'm simply not going to be able to change their minds. They reach out to me and tell me that I'm an expert so they want my opinion but then when I give it to them, they say that I am wrong and they are right. How does that make sense? They have already admitted to having not training or expertise in skin care but then all of a sudden, they do! I find it amazing.
I was part of a skin care MLM a long time ago (before I was an Esthetician) and so I am pretty familiar with how these work. I know the kind of training that happens. Even then I knew was involved in skin care so I had a ton of questions when I signed up. They didn't have a lot of answers so I did my own research.
Why would anyone trust someone who hasn't been educated in skin over someone who has?
AHHHHH!!!!!! Ok, I'm done. Thanks :)
I got a few comments on my blog with links to some skin line, I'm trying to figure out if I should (or even can) delete them. I have a R+F rep on my FB (she tried to get me on her team a few times). I finally just told her it would be a conflict of interest as I do professional treatments and she agreed and hasn't bugged me since. Maybe that will work for you?
whats your blog address? Not sure if i want to start a skincare blog just know i want to do something on the side.
Im tired of seeing those scammers in all the job sites too. Im even more tired of people coming to me for a facial and saying how great their products are when all i see is super disgustingly desert dry skin.
I like doing it and it has grown so much. I get emails on a daily basis now. Some are scam but most are people either asking me questions about their skin or from companies asking me to review their products. I've even been asked by other websites if they can feature my blog! :) The best part is when I get a new client from another state. I recently shipped some products to Hawaii.
Do it! I find it rewarding. It's a ton of work though. Good luck!!
Exciting that enough people are visiting your blog to create a backlog of email (even crappy spammy email). If I were in this situation (fingers crossed - nerium has not hit hard here), I think I would draft and consistently use a 2-line response that indicated gently that I had reviewed their line and marketing materials, found that their products did not mesh with my professional training, and due to heavy demands on my time by paying clients, I would not be communicating further on that matter, but that I'd be happy to speak with them about the professional skincare with which I am trained.
Question about your blog though - what are you doing to promote it that is generating all this attention? Inquiring minds!!
That's the link to mine. It's pretty simple and straighforward.
Yes I have to say I am on your side. I would like to take it one step further:
How would you like to be me and be able to, with almost 90% accuracy, look at an ingredient deck and know if it is private label?
I have so many skin care pros ask me about this or that, and its all wonderful and I really enjoy it but then they talk about the line they use (not the big brands) and I am stuck for words. Cannot talk bad about other brands or what a skin care pro loves...
I just think its funny because the MLM lines also by the time your done with an AM regimen you have applied several hundred ingredients into your skin. Maybe you could mention that to these would be unlicensed skin care MLMer's.
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