A client brought this up to me yesterday. Said she read an article that said that people with botox lose their ability to have empathy.....wow, very interesting theory. So, I did some poking around and there are quite a few articles on this subject.

Here's one headline I found: A study published last month in the journal Social Psychology and Personality Science found that someone with a permanent poker face caused by Botox can't mirror a joyful smile or a furrowed brow -- and this mimicry, research suggests, is essential to our capacity to empathize with others. A frozen face begets frozen feelings.

By posting this, I'm not saying I agree. I just think it's an interesting concept and thought it would make for a good discussion...what do you think?  

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2 muscles to smile; 50 to frown or so the saying goes (something like that).... I am a believer! :)



I've read this too, as well as other studies that show a reduction in anger and sadness since the brain cannot receive biofeedback for those emotions from the face.  Those articles seemed to suggest it could have some positive applications in treatment of depression.  

Wow, how cool. I looked up the study itself and it's a long/complicated but very interesting read. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2880828/)

There is a lot of connection between the body and mind for sure...it is good to see some of these things being studied.

I dont really get that, ive have gotten it for years and i dont feel like it hinders my expressions at all. I cant raise my eyebrows or pull them down but i can still clearly express irritation, empathy and all other emotions very clearly. 


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