I'm looking to buy spray sunscreens at wholesale prices. Does anyone have any guidance on this? I use PCA Skin professional products, but they don't carry a spray sunscreen.

Tags: spf, sunscreen

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We carry COOLA and their sport sprays are very nice!  Easy to use, and they smell lovely and most importantly, keep you protected.  They're also a very eco-friendly company.

Awesome! Do you have much luck selling them? I noticed their retail pricing online is $32/bottle. I personally probably wouldn't spend that much on a spray sunscreen given that we go through it like crazy, but I do like that it is all natural. That alone might be worth the extra money.

We do, but our neighborhood/clientele supports those prices.  You do have to be careful with pricing any time you bring something in.  

Our clients value the all natural claim.  The lotions are huge (over 5oz) so I usually sell them together, and recommend they lotion in the morning and reapply with spray during the day.

I can't find the article :(

but I read that the sunscreen sprays are drastically not as effective.

Have you considered the brush on mineral blocks as an alternate?

That's interesting Cindy...hadn't heard that. I find them to be much easier with my kids (ages 3 & 5) who are very fair and have to wear sunscreen in order to be outside for more than 10 minutes. Are the brush on mineral blocks easy to use? Where would I find them?


I thought I heard at a training class that sprays are going to be removed from shelves soon as people weren't using them as directed and were not getting full protection...when the new FDA guidelines take affect?

Check out supergoop!!  Amazing sunblock.  I like the sunblock for initial application and have been testing the spray for reapplication only.  I am not a fan of sprays because always feel I fry.  If you want their contact info I would be happy to forward it along.

Interested - send me info

Image skincare just launched their SPF 45 spray.  I haven't tried it yet but I love all their Prevention + SPF's.



Please look into the new guidelines for the rules/laws that manufacturers have to follow as far as SPF products that are either lotions / creams or spray on.  What you are looking for is the application and what must be stated on the bottles or tubes. I really think this information will help guide you toward lotions and away from spray on products.

FYI: The reason the FDA changed the laws was for this exact reason.  It was actually two fold but came down to one thing: Application.

People thought an SPF 50 or 75 was better then a 20 and its not.  What I mean is that you can spray on or with a soft relaxed hand apply 50 or 75 and I can get better protection with my 20 by applying it properly and continually. Application is key and spray on SPF products fall short in a big way.  Its that rubbing that makes SPF products effective.  By the way, an SPF 30 gives 95% protection while a 50 or 75 is only a few percentages higher.

One last thing: When I walk a skin care show I can count on my left hand which lines I really respect.  PCA is one of them.  They do not offer a spray on SPF, please take that as an indication of what they think of them.



Great comment Marty.  

Image Skincare has the best SPF Spray in the World! 


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