I'm feeling a little frustrated right now with one of my clients. She came to me back in February with really bad hormonal acne and dehydrated skin. I suggested products, which she bought. I had to switch a couple of them (glycolic pads, glycolic cleanser) because she insisted that they burned her skin. I finally got her on what we both thought was the right products(pomegranate cleanser, retinal scrub/mask, cucumber toner, green tea cleanser.) but she still would not come in for regular treatments as I recommended. she recently told me that she found the products H2o and wanted to know my opinion on them. said she really liked how hydrating they made her skin and they do not "burn" ..and she said that the ss products made her have whiteheads everyday and blackheads , leaving post hyperpigmentation on her face. I just told her if that is what she felt worked better for her then , she should continue using it. I then suggested that if she keeps getting the whiteheads on her face it would be good for her to get extractions & high frequency with a facial to help clear out the pores or infection in the skin. Ended by telling her to let me know if I could help in any other way. Could i have handled this any better ? How many times has this happened to any of you other esty's ?

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I completely agree with how you handled this. She wants your help but doesn't want to follow your advice.

Sandra, I feel your disappointment.  You responded graciously and professionally.  She sounds like a self-treater who for whatever reason is uncomfortable sharing with you, listening to you, etc.  You were kind and helpful and when she comes around, she will probably return.  You might not even want her.  I have learned to cut my losses and say good riddance to the ones I have to babysit.  You sold her effective products, you shared your knowledge and that is all you can do.  Take a big deep breath and let it go.

Thank you Brenda and Summer.  And Just like you said Brenda, if she does decide to come back for treatment I'm not sure if she is someone I want as a client. She was non compliant and not fully trusting. I am fully confident that SS is a great product for her if she would have just followed my advice.

Sandra...you handled this client very professionally. We cannot totally hold the hand of our clients if they are not fully truthful with us, choose to not follow the home regimen prescribed and come in every 2-4 weeks. No matter what product she uses, her skin concerns/issues will not clear up until she changes.  Great job handling a difficult client.

Thank you for your input Ruby ! I agree, her problems will not clear up unless she makes changes.

She sounds like a product jumper. It is very frustrating but it isn't you, it's them. I've had clients tell me that they trust me and they want to do what I say because they are seeing results but then when they come back, they tell me that they talked to this person and that person. Their routine is no longer what I suggested and their skin goes backwards. Seems like a waste of money to me but I think these people are looking for a quick solution to a long-term problem. It isn't realistic. Know that you did your best and try to move on. 

I think that "burn" she was feeling, might have just been product that was working on her skin. She probably wasn't used to it. :)


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