I recently graduated from esthetics school and am now licensed, I have my first Esty job at a salon (I am the only esthetician). When I was hired my owner stated that she would do anything in her power to help me be successful as far as promotion and marketing goes.... Unfortunately she has fallen through on her promise and I've done what seems everything possible to book clients. I have promotion cards, I've passed them out to strangers walking by, hotels and restaurants in the area, I've utilized the salons Facebook page, my own page, I've attempted to network with friends, wedding parties, clients already in our salon, I've been in contact with tons of people. I am not 100% happy with the line we use because it isn't known for amazing results and I feel like now everyone is looking for a "cure" for their skin concerns. I am at a crossroad of leaving and finding something more established with a solid client base or staying and busting my butt for a few more clients in the hope that it will take off soon. After months of playing marketing and working on a commission base only I am not sure where to go.
Any advice would be extremely appreciated, thanks ladies/gents!

Much love,

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Hey kyle, i was in the same situation as you and I've had my license for less than a year. I did what was best for me, and i left the salon/spa. Maybe you can do less hours at the salon and find a part-time job even if they don't pay you a lot while you building your clientele. And maybe find a place with a line that you love to work with. Because they more you love the product line, the more you believe in it and you clients will be able to feel that. Don't be afraid to take chances and go for what you want, it will pay off in the future. Now i work in a salon with some amazing people, they respect me and they want whats best for the whole team not only for themselves.

I really appreciate the response, thank you Hun.

I've worked at several places now and salon owners/managers a always say th a t! Lol I've started offering free c lasses, I work with my local library, Cvs, and I also set up a question and answer session with a local clothing company. I also do a lot of free promotions and give always to charities. Think about what kind of client you want and where she hangs out. Then market there. Always look fantastic and leave cards with discounts to wait staff, personal trainers, and real estate agents. Brainstorm unique ways. We do a wine, wax, and, relax night. We also offer a buy 5 get one free deal. Look at your daily working plan. 

I've worked at several places now and salon owners/managers a always say th a t! Lol I've started offering free c lasses, I work with my local library, Cvs, and I also set up a question and answer session with a local clothing company. I also do a lot of free promotions and give always to charities. Think about what kind of client you want and where she hangs out. Then market there. Always look fantastic and leave cards with discounts to wait staff, personal trainers, and real estate agents. Brainstorm unique ways. We do a wine, wax, and, relax night. We also offer a buy 5 get one free deal. Look at your daily working plan. 

Kyle, I was in a very similar situation when I first graduated, working in a salon that never had skin care before, trying to build a clientele with little help marketing.  The owner wanted to have an open house, but only sent invites to existing clients, most of whom  I had already talked to, given coupons, etc.  I was lucky to have 2 or 3 clients a week.  Luckily I hadn't given up my full time job.  I also did what you did, talked to everyone, ran a facebook page, etc.  Finally I left and now I'm working in an established spa and (although still only part time) am averaging 5-8 clients a week.  Follow your gut!


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