Is it necessary to have MSDS for skin care produtcts, especially when they are organic? I understand I absolutely need them for Barbicide etc. but I didn't know if I need them for the products. The last place I worked, the owner took care of all of that, but now I am doing my own business under the umbrella of another spa.

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I agree, Marty and Nicole. It's dumb and I may have been mislead as to which items need an MSDS. All I know is what we are taught by Milady and what OSHA people (who invaded our salon) told us. Dumb I totally agree.

When I was talking chemicals, I was being a bit tongue in cheek. "Chemicals" not in the icky manmade polluting non organic way. Chemicals in the theoretical "everything carbon based is organic" kind of way. Sorry. Not very funny.

What line are you using, Nicole? And do you find it effective?

Hi Terry-

I am using Image and Skin Script. I bought the Image manual which has every product listed with all the ingredients. Yes, I find Image very effective, and Skin Script is new to me, but I like how they treat estheticians and their products seem to work thus far.

I don't think it is stupid to have the MSDS sheets, and I gave me employer MSDS sheets on the products that I use that I know are toxic like Barbicide. I had ever intention on getting the MSDS sheets, but I posted on here wondering if it is overkill to have a MSDS for every single skin care product. Of course, I do not want to do anything that would harm my clients and/or be in Federal violation of OHSA, but the OSHA website had the quote that I posted stating it wasn't necessary for products that have not been proven to be toxic, flammable, etc.

Thanks for your input it is appreciated it.


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