How to pick the best skin care line????? does anyone test professional lines?

I have done lots of research on different companies. the problem is, unless you know ingredients like the back of your hand, its hard to tell.

is their a company that tests and rates professional lines? if not , how do we tell?

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I found this: 


Referring back to the nerium ingredients, the “magic” happens in the highly advanced scientific process of getting to the 'NAE-8 Proprietary Blend' extract. This active ingredient is responsible for the thousands of happy customers as well as the amazing results:

What I want you to look at, I did this in 5 minutes so I hope this will be good enough for you, is the text above in bold. Here is how this works in the skin care industry:

Any product line owner can go to his or her mfgr and put together a list of active ingredients and call it a fancy name and then get THAT name trademarked and then say whatever they feel falls within their boundary for efficacy. Thus creating a new ingredient and one that is protected under trademark use and although should not be confused with a patent but I find it difficult to understand once this process of protection happens how it is any different.

So please show medical or clinical use of this ingredient 'NAE-8 Proprietary Blend' or any ingredients that make up this 'Blend' and its proven efficacy not to mention has it been used for 10+ years within the professional world proven to do its job confirmed by the medical or esthetics field.

Is this ok and an answer?


My apologies for the link...I was just blown away by the results and the price point to achieve those results.  

"Referring back to the nerium ingredientsthe “magic” happens in the highly advanced scientific process of getting to the 'NAE-8 Proprietary Blend' extract. This active ingredient is responsible for the thousands of happy customers as well as the amazing results:"  I agree with this...they do have amazing results and I thought that was the intention of "skin care".

After work, I'll send you the data I received.  Personally I don't care where you buy the product, I care about the results for people who cant afford Botox, Laser treatment, I care about providing a product that makes you feel "beautiful"!  They distribute to individuals, spas, medical spa technicians and small boutique chains, not major chains...not that I know of.  I'll send you the data later on.

Nerium is crap. End of story. Enough said.

Did you have bad results with your clients?

Yes, I've had clients come in complaining that it caused excessive dryness AND breakouts, the smells offensive, the return policy stinks and they're rude, reps are unhelpful because they don't have skin histology knowledge, there's no options for varying skin types, it's not serious skincare.

Just another MLM making huge promises they can't deliver BUT they have great marketing.

What is your professional skincare background Donna? What kind of credentials/training have you had?

What is an  MLM?

Multi level marketing.  Basically direct sales companies like Arbonne, Mary Kay, Avon, etc. 

Are you a Brand Partner?

Here is the clinical study, I can send you more details later.

This is not a clinical study. This is a video about their special camera...which by the way HAS been around way longer than three years.


Why is Nerium crap?

This is why...

There is an entire medically proven system to the proper healing and care for skin. What level and depth you go or what professional line you choose to accomplish this goal is up to you. 

With that said, Nerium does not have a single qualification to be apart of those choices within the above statement.  That is why it is crap.

Your licensed?  You handle clients in a professional setting? I am sad that you do not know this.

There is nothing wrong with MLM or the medium of exchange (the product) that you are using to accomplish it but an MLM one product skin care line being promoted on a professional forum????

Your out of your mind. :))


Have you ever tried it or even researched the ingredients and company?? Have you attended any Nerium seminars and heard about the real results? I am not trying to argue, just think you should read all the facts about something before you pass judgment! Did you know that it is formulated by Dr. Newman who is a Bio. Tech. Scientist! It is said by Don Smothers (who has formulated many professional skincare lines) to be the best result driven product he has seen! I do look forward to your reply!!



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