I just signed up with Spa Booker to do online booking. It has so much to learn and figure out. wonder if any one has used them or not or had luck with any others? I am not sure I am stuck now that i signed up with Spa booker.

Thanks for any feed back- i am going to be the sole person using the system

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Hi Vanessa, I have used several programs both online and installed and I have used Spa Booker for about 2 years now. There is a learning curve so be patient. So far of all the programs this one is easier. Hang in there!

Thanks! It is a ton of info! Do you use Mercury thru them as well?

I have used them since day one March, 2009 when they came on line. I have been though so so so many growing pains with them. Everything that could go wrong has and I've shared it. So they have gotten a lot better and the price is good. It does so much for the money. Good luck.

They just contacted me. do you have any other opinion on them yet. have you driven in more business because of this tool?


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