
I recently starting renting in a Hair Salon that rents to everyone, the manager/owner does not promote. I was the only esthetics in the salon, I rent in a room.  Now a month into renting my room, the owner decides to rent the room next to me to another esthetician who does the same services.  While understand that I have my own clients, I would have liked to building my services in the salon, however do not know who to do this with another esthetician there, I feel like I am competing now.  Am I just feeling weird or should I just not worry about it?  Help!  

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Sorry How to do this with another esthetician there, feels funny. Should I worry?

Hi Angela, the same thing happened to me a few months ago and I had been the only estie for 4 years.  Here's what I learned...

From a business point of view it is best to have a contract when you go into arrangements with people and make sure you are clear about your expectations i.e. if you want to be the only estie in the establishment etc...

Ironically though my business has been absolutely booming lately and I'm sure in part its because I have been way more focused on my brand and my unique point of difference. 

My mother owns a funky little spa and she had a big corporate "Starbucks-like" spa open right next to her a few years ago and she has had the same experience as me i.e. her business is flourishing.

I think who is meant to come to us will come to us and if you focus on giving 150% and don't pay any mind to who is in the next room, next door and down the street you will be fine.  Good luck!!!!


Thanks for your feedback  :)

I agree with Nicole. There a re plenty of clients to go around! It might be nice to have somebody to bounce ideas off of and work with and promote together.

Stay focused on the 2 or 3 services where you feel you really shine, where you enjoy every moment (aka almost every moment) of giving the service, and where you get the most positive feedback from clients. Market the heck out of those services, mostly by hanging around the salon and other neighboring businesses and showing off the glow you get from doing work you love. Pass out those business cards, strike up conversations with others, and before you know it you'll have a full book. If you're lucky, your new roomie will be someone with a positive attitude and you will inspire each other. If not, just keep your distance. In either scenario, it is so unlikely that you would overlap in your top 3 services that it isn't worth giving it another thought.


I love to see all these positive comments!

Good luck Angela!

Good luck with this. I think I'd feel funny, too, if I walked in one day and discovered another esthetician moving into the salon. But the others are right: there is probably enough work to go around, and as long as you stay positive and keep a confident vibe you'll probably be okay. The problem will be if you both continue to offer the same services. You've got to differentiate, so work on your signature style and really focus on your own brand. If you get the feeling that things aren't going to work out - for whatever reason - don't complain to your clients. Stay positive and look for another suitable location to set up shop. Next time, get it in writing that you will be the only esthetician working in the salon if that is what you want. In this business, you've got to be happy at work or your clients will pick up on your dissatisfaction and they'll stop coming, because it's just as much about feeling good as it is about looking good. : ) 


As a renter, unless your lease prohibits your landlord from renting to a competing business, there is not a whole lot you can do.  Worrying will just give you wrinkles.

How long is your agreement?  I would look for a new space if you are month to month and make this a learning experience to include exclusive services.  The challenge you will face in getting that concession is you need to be able to offer services whenever the salon is open. 

A major reason they would rent space to two estys is to make sure clients can get appointments.


Im a single esti in my salon and sometimes i think it would be nice to have another to work off of. Market together....... offer mother daughter days...... girls spa nights....ect. Its something i would like to offer but don't have someone else and people to want to wait. I think it will be good. Also to market your self different will be a plus!!


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