Please remember Girls cheapest price is not always as good - you always pay for what you get - that is the same every where - there are no free Lunches - except for a promotion :)
So when you select products make sure first and foremost - it does what is says it does and it will fit your needs. That is why you should always just order a sample or small order and test the product. Second do not listen to much to what another person says about the product or service. That persons needs and likes very likely are not the same as yours -
Third, always call and set up a rapport with the vendor find out what their motivation was for creating the product. The product name may not give the full story - example the Collagen premoistened mask there are literally hundreds on the market each is different and each is made with different ingredients and gives slightly different results.
So ask questions - I have been in an Esthetician for over 40 years and have some clients for 20 years their children and grandchildren. I have my own wholesale business and select and create products and give input to equipment manufacturers.
Would you think I now what I am talking about ;)
Agree, but you shouldn't have t o pay an arm and a leg for your clients to buy on Amazon. :-)
That is not what I meant - but you should be aware of what things possible cost and you should have a budget - my mother always said - you cannot make chicken salad with chicken chit - and unfortunately many in our business aim to do just that. That is why they are often not successful - the buyers today know and if they come to your salon and your prices are higher then the rest on your block - they come there for two reasons to check out if your claims are valid - then they will return - if they are not (and buyers with money know) then they will not and will not send their friends.
Unless you aim for the lower market of which there is less and less then it is best to be as budget conscience as possible - but even they know - just think if you go to a Spa or Salon what are your reactions.
I don't know if I completely agree. It depends on a lot of factors. Don't get me wrong, I am not disagreeing with you. I don't think it's ever good to sell yourself short on any level, but at the same time, I live and work in a very small Indiana town that considers facials an "uppity Luxury"
and not something for "down home" people. Trying to get them to use good products and to pay $65 for a facial would be like shooting myself in the foot. Not saying I should price too low either, but I am saying that there are all kinds of considerations when you look at pricing. I can charge $100.00 but if I can't get anybody in the door to even see what I do, it would be pointless.
With that being said, I provide an excellent, quality service at a fair price with unlimited expertise in my field and products I can afford and can also stand behind. $400.00 products sound great, but the reality is, who buys them? If you're not promoting to THOSE kinds of people, then you are defeating yourself. Nobody WANTS to work the lower market, but there is a place for Estheticians who do work that part of our field.
You can have a $100.00 facial, but if nobody but three people are getting them, what's the point?
On another note,
Do you have a kind of formula for how much an Esthetician SHOULD be charging?
you are absolutely right - I know - but here is the point - you look at your demographics - look where you are located - who else is around - what do they charge - what do they offer- if you are in an area where there is rich and poor -middle class, then you select the market you want to cater too. That is with products and services, and you always will have to add some new services to make it exciting for your clients - even Walmart has always new products and sales :)
And good product do not have to cost an arm and a leg - you can get quality product that you can sell for great prices even in small amounts.
But remember - as you said - always give a touch more than the customer expects then you will have a great and long term business.
Wish there was a LOVE button on this sight :D
LOL -just one more word - please do not listen to people who tell you to 'discount' your services - that does not work - you are a professional - have you ever heard a Doctor or a Lawyer say I will give you a discount - NO - but having said that - make it a practice to reward loyal clients with a FREE service or a FREE product - and always say-" I am giving you this for free because...." Do not just include free services and not tell them - that is a good way to get them too spoiled and then they will expect that all the time - not a way to MAKE money.
If you like this advice and this group - please send it to other members - maybe we can get a real discussion going - not that we did not have a nice one here - but other people also have - I am sure - good thoughts and advice.
Yes Lara - right you are - another good marketing approach is to - make a fun open house -
3.All men event - here you - talk about how important it is for men to understand skin and care again invite a Dermatologist to talk about skin Cancer
AND PLEASE DO NOT FORGET TO INVITE THE PRESS EACH TIME - THEY LOVE STUFF LIKE THAT ESPECIALLY IF YOU PREPARE IT RIGHT - write a PRESS RELEASE for them ( they will print it) - PLACE AN AD IN THE LOCAL PAPER. Contact the local TV and Radio station to talk about the event. The ad could be free in the current event section. Let your imagination roam- and always have something new to offer - has great very current equipment and also a fair amount of slightly used equipment - contact them that is a good way to add something new with out going broke.
Please if you like this advice pass it on - if we all work to be better and educate - we will always make a dollar - trust me been doing it for 40 years.
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