If I could go back in time...

I would hire a marketing specialist to do all my advertising and marketing, when I opened my salon. It would have been money well spent, and would have saved me a lot of frustration. I didn't grow up with all this technology, and I have spent hours and countless hours trying to figure this all out. I didn't even have a personal facebook page when I opened. Yikes! And to top it all off, my desk top computer was ancient! I had not done much on-line with my computer for years!

Now, I have a new amazing, all in one computer which is so fast, it's crazy! I'm so thankful for my new computer which has allowed me to do so much on-line. I'm very proud of myself for everything I have forced myself to learn, but I'm really playing catch-up. Because I had almost no computer skills ( I'm not kidding, sad to say ), it would have been better for my business to just hire someone.

My husband will ask me, " What do you do on the computer all the time?" Well, I'm trying to set up a Yelp account, and have not figured out how to do it. I asked a client to try to write a review for me so I could at least get the process started. My client spent 45 minutes doing this, and gave up.

I wish I had put money out to hire someone, even over buying equipment for the salon. All the hours I've spent marketing and advertising my salon, could have been put to better use, such as taking advanced classes and networking. Of course this is just my opinion, but I feel my business would be farther along than it is now.

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AGREED!!! I live in a very small town that doesn't use a lot of this stuff, so for me to learn it has been very hard.  Heck, before I came back to work I didn't have a computer or a tv!!! HAHAHAHA! I think I would agree with you.  I would love to pay somebody to set it all up for me so all I have to do is blog/post/and download pictures!

Especially since I have no idea what I am doing half the time. :D

I would also like to add that I worked for a salon owner that didn't even carry a cell phone.  I tried to get us a facebook page/email/ txting to clients and she didn't even know what I was talking about. HAHA!

My husband just stopped at home because he forgot something. We live in a very small town too. Well anyway he was surprised I was home today, and asked what am I doing? Well TODAY, I have to download my iTunes account on the new computer because my iPhone is full. Yesterday I wanted to take a  picture of some fun nails I did ( advertising of course ) and I had to have a co-worker take the picture, because I couldn't, and she sent it to me. So after I get iTunes back on my computer, I want to start a pintrest account so I can post pictures so my clients can see my work. Man I'm tired already...

Then here is the rest of the day: I'm going to try AGAIN to start a Yelp page, research which on-line booking I should use, look at Mail Chimp to start doing email news letters, and figure out how to link my web page to search engines. However, I thought I had at least linked my web site to Google. And then if I still have time, I'll look at my Google Ad words campaign to see why it's not working. 

So that's what I'm doing TODAY.

AGAIN, I'm happy that I've learned so much. The business has forced me to learn all these skills, which has laid the ground work for my business, and I'm sure for future projects that I'm not even aware of now. I guess I just feel my husband and the salon owner that I rent from, don't fully appreciate or understand why I'm doing all this, and why it's so important that I get these things done. My husbands job is so different than mine it. His company does not advertise. They don't need to. So sometimes I feel such a misconnect and very misunderstood.   

I am in the same boat as you!!! He is a machine repairman and doesn't understand WHY I HAD to buy a computer and why I am on it so darn much.  I am currently trying to get a website, load it to my phone, link it to my email, etc. etc. etc. so I can blog/post videos/and ensure general hilarity.  Most of the time, I am calling my son at school asking him questions which makes him grumble and the office staff laugh at me.  I feel at such a disadvantage to this generation who is now graduating who already KNOWS all this stuff!!!

Im in the same boat too Amy,  I was recommended to try salonbuilder.com for a very easy website builder, do it yourself for like $30 a month,Has anyone tried it? I would love more suggestions on business building topics from others, Many of us are in this setting up for success phase.............................

So, my son just did a website for me on weebly which is free. I have to say, very nice, easy to use, easy to link up stuff, it really is awesome.  I will play around with it a little bit, but I already linked it to my facebook page, my blog, and my business. :D 

Amy, that's where I have my website too and I embedded a little booking widget on my page so people can book their own appts. I'm still playing around with it, not done yet.

Oooh! They have those!  very nice.  I will have to find one of those! (I don't even know what a widget is) :D 

widget is like a code from another website/social network/online software you can embed on your biz website. For example: You can embed a little box of your facebook page right on the front page of your site. pretty cool. 


Would either one of you ladies allow me to view your webpage?? I am interested to give the weebly a try...thanks for such useful information

Hahaha! So it happened! My husband asked me last night while I was working on a presentation if I was having an affair because I'm online so much. LOL I laughed and laughed at this.  I guess I need to put aside some time each day on the computer and have it just be OFFLINE.  :D

MIchele-I have not published mine yet because I'm working on a HUGE presentation that's due April 1 but I will have it up by the end of the month.  It's www.amysesthetics@weebly.com


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