An Esty called me up & ask me to look into a piece of equipment called Lipo-Lite that uses LED for fat reduction. Melts fat really isn't the full explanation but it got you to click here didn't it?! :-)

Here's the page about how it works:


I called this company and spent about 40 minutes on the phone. The guy walked me through a power point presentation about the equipment. Alot of blah,blah,blah but I really wanted to find out about this technology. I mean, if this was for real.....we'd all be booming with business and wealthy, wealthy, weathly, right?!


Bottom line is that this machine is $16,000. For that hefty price it better melt my fat and a whole lot more! The next day after I checked this company out a Living Social came through for a treatment at a local plastic surgeons office....serendipity! Curiousity made me purchased it. They are using a piece of equipment called Dazzle Light. Here's the link:


So, how is this LED different from what we are all using on the face? I'm assuming it's got to be much stronger in some way. Anyone  know anything about this and can fill us in? Anyone experienced this treatment and can fill us in?


My appointment is this coming Thursday afternoon.....I'll post after my appointment and fill you in on the experience.

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WOW! for 16,00$ It would cover the cost of the gym memberships I've never used! hahaha!

we have the Zerona where I work. I don't think it works. lol

Seriously, it's LED.  It can't be all that dramatic.

But - I am sure that it would do "something"...but not "melt" fat!

My thoughts exactly Cindy!!

Okay gals (and guys), had my treatment yesterday. I measured my waist this morning and it's 21 inches...NOT! :-)

What an interesting experience. The technician was a very nice 60 year old woman, but she was not an esthetician or a nurse. No real fact, she told me that she had a part time job at Williams Sonoma. The panel had 144 LEDs and she positioned it about 10 inches above my stomach. I was certainly expecting it to be closer! I ask her about the technology and she definitely spewed off a memorized script. I ask her how it was different from the LED panels we use for skincare and she said it has to do with the power, these LED are 660 nm. I had to chuckle inside! I could feel heat, so I ask her if there was any infrared. She said no, it's LED...another inside chuckle!


So, the light stayed on my stomach for about 5 minutes, she turned me over to do my lower back (love handles I guess), then she turned me on one side.....then she said let's do your stomach again. We never did the other side (I'm lopsided today!) I was in and out in 30 minutes at the most.


She told me to go home and put a compression garment on it if I had one and exercise. I told her that I had a vibration platform and she said that was even better. So, I did as instructed. I do have to say that I made more trips to the little girls room than usual...probably because I drank more water, not because of the treatment. I did feel a stimulated feeling in my stomach for a few hours after the treatment. My stomach does look ever so sightly tighter this morning but definitely not the inch loss they claim.


So, my thought is.....if there really is something to this, why can't we use the LED panels we already have instead of purchasing a $16,000 piece of equipment? I'm going to do a test using my panel and she what happens.


Any thoughts or feedback ya"ll?

Could it be the compression garment, vibration platform, and LED combined?

So, I started my own experiment yesterday. I put my panel very close to my stomach for 30 minutes. I'm going to do this two days a week and see if I notice any changes. I could do it daily but we know that our clients wouldn't do that, so I need to test that it works or doesn't work with just two treatments a week like I was told at the Center I went to. I would really love to have this work but I'm truly very skeptical. But...if it did work, those of us that have panels would have a whole new treatment to offer.


Amy, you are correct, I think the LED, compression and exercise combined is a must. A couple of weeks ago an Esty sent me something called The Ultimate Body Applicator. It's a wrap that is soaked in botanicals that you place around your stomach or thighs or where ever your problem area is. You wrap saran wrap (or a compression garment) over it and leave it on for at least 45 minutes. I did it and while it felt tingly and cool while it was on....I can't say I saw any difference. But we know that everything we do needs to be multiple times for proper results.


I have no idea why I'm on this bandwagon of body treatments right now! I guess it's because we're coming up on that season and I'm looking into new things to offer my clients.


First off...any led panel placed 10 inches away is not going to do anything...the further the distance the lower the penetration...and it's exponentially reduced!

Second...I would not feel good about a non-professional tech administering the treatment. How do you know that she even followed protocol or was trained correctly? She obviously ould never be able to explain the science and mechanics of WHY it works.

I think that you have the right idea of using the led panel you on or closer to the treatment area. I wonder if you should use the infraread mode?

Regarding body wraps...I think that they are fun personally. I have always been disappointed that people didn't book body treatments with me.  The only one that I felt really good about and that clients would book (but only when I put it on special) was the M'Lis Body Contour Wrap ( thought it helped my saggy rear when I had it's just hard to do your own contour wrap for that area). The fad wraps that keep popping up ARE interesting...I just don't trust that there is anything really new and different about them ...especially if it is MLM, because then it's all about marketing and downlines, NOT effectiveness.


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