Hi all!

I'm a licensed esthi currently employed fulltime at a medispa that uses CBI for backbar and sells mainly neocutis products and cbi private label...

I like the cbi products but think they are really ugly, and i love the neocutis products but think they are much too pricey (I basically suggest my clients use our private label cleanser, toner, peptide cream and supplement with obagi c serum, retin-a, and neocutis eye cream and bio-serum depending on their concerns...but i'm rambling)

I have a home setup and am currently trying to build my own clientele and my question to you, as i am new at this side of the industry, is re: whether I should just order cbi backbar for myself as well next time we place our order or whether i should really go for a "branded" experience with something culty like lira (which i *do* like- a number of friends have sworn by it changing their skin and the ingredients are good, though their customer service has been pretty crappy and i can't seem to find actual science about their claims) or if i should order ayur-medic because they have a matching program where they match your first 400 dollars spent on backbar with 400 dollars of comped retail products...

I'm leaning towards the ayur-medic and then cherry picking some stuff via my ability to get doctor's only brands through work to sell as well, but guess i'd love some feedback.

i'm an overthinker- it makes me a really good esthi in a lot of ways, but also means i have a hard time "jumping in"- i guess no line is perfect? help? haha


Tags: ayur-medic, cbi, clinical, label, lira, neocutis, private

Views: 1136

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I guess this was too broad. Do any of you have direct experience with Ayur-medic or Lira? Do you find you sell more products when they're all one brand or do clients appreciate that you are choosy with a few different lines?

In our plastic surgery office, we offer 2 lines for skin care. Lira and Therapon. I love both equally and offer both to clients based on what their needs are. People with dry skin, certain products I tend to lead people in the direction of Therapon but for people needing a skin care line to treat problems I go for Lira. I love Lira for oily and acne prone skin types. They also have a wonderful line for peels and anti-aging. They also have samples available (you have to pay for them) and I give them out to patients after a facial so that they can give it a chance to use it before buying it. Also your Lira rep should be able to send you samples so you can see how you like all the products. For our office, we like being able to offer these two lines (we make the retail price comparable) so people can really choose whats best for their skin. We sell a good amount of both lines! I hope this helps!

Thanks for your response, Chelsey! It is overwhelming out there, and I think forums like this are great for comparing notes and such. 



Your welcome! It definitely is hard trying to decide on what brands to use! What I did was contact 3 different companies and asked for samples. I told them that I was trying to figure out what products I wanted to use for our clinic, then I did trial runs on about 5 different people all with different skin types and did the same kinds of facial on each person, just different products and then had them compare them to me what they liked, didn't like, smells, how their skin felt the next day, etc. and then we chose from there! Now we also use another brand for seasonal facials, June Jacobs, which is equally awesome! It's all natural, no parabans, and they even have a men's line which is nice because not a lot of lines have a men's line and men don't always want to smell fruity or like flowers! Lira and June Jacobs also offers training on all of their products and have awesome customer service. That's the number one thing I would recommend with a company. See how their customer service is, how quickly they get back to you, etc. That will make your life a whole lot easier! If they don't care enough to get a hold of you right away, your business to them is NOT worth it. You'll be spending more of your time and money where it could be spent better else where.

How is it working with the CBI?  I am going to place a small order, some of the products look very nice, The ingredients, & so many serums, impressive...whats your opinion, likes dislikes??

Thanks bunches

Hi Julie ! I just joined this forum , because of your questions~ thank you . I have been using CBI for two years. I love the product line , and the Credential Line they have for the public is very good. I find it to be gentle and effective. I use there chemical peels, masks, etc. I have had positve results with all. I agree the customer service needs improvement. I am the only Esthetician where I work, and do all my own research, ingredients is KEY! Alot of the professional brands are quality but what are you really paying for? If you are on your own looking to start off , in my opinion a private label is a good start ! What I love is I am not tied to a product line , and most of them are absorbant in price range ! Do shop around ~ I hope this helps you :)

Credentials is the exact as the CBI private label, its just there label.  Can you give more specifics on what you liked?  any dislikes, which chemical peel did you use, they have several

Thanks Bunches!!

Hi Michele ! Yes thank you Credentials is there label ! I find their Lactic Peel and Grape Wine peel to be most effective ! The All herbal Toner gets rave reviews from my clients ! I like the Azu~zinc mask, Milk n Honey mask, Fruit Enzyme Peel Mask. I also have discovered a great Yogurt Mask by Farm House Fresh , Pajama Party, sounds corny but what a great product ! OTC ! Thank you !!!!



But you have to buy products with minimum of 6. - makes it hard for a solo practice professional to order
Why do they do this - skin Medica does the same thing

Hi Tina, are you refering to the credential pro sizes ? Or retail ?



I called in my CBI order & my first order I was allowed to purchase in less than 6, so I researched what products I wanted to order, possibly carry & i will reorder what sells in 6.

Some products im really liking, some im on the fence.....You cannot beat the prices, especially backbar prices & im loving the masks.........Also love the credentials logo & packaging....looks great in my display case. Customers are researching the name & getting great reviews on dermstore that backs up the product "Credentials"!!


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