Good morning,
I am currently using ASCP's client consultation forms, but would like to switch to something online or for the PC/iPad. I just think it would be easier to store this information in a datebase somehow instead of having to always pull the paper forms/cards to review. Does anyone currently do this and if so, what system? The online software systems I have seen do great for scheduling, marketing, POS, etc., but only have basic client demo information and no where to really store client consulation information.
I too have been looking for this same thing... Anybody??
The evernote hello app could probably work, too!
If you already have Microsoft Office on your computer, with the MS Access database program, you might be able to customize something in that. Microsoft has downloadable templates for a Client Database, a Personal Contacts Database, and a Business Contacts Database - none of these would have the specific fields you'd need to add all the information like what's on the printable ASCP forms, but it's relatively easy to customize an Access database to add all the fields you want.
If you haven't used Access before, learning how to do it right could take more time than it's worth, though. If you know somebody who is familiar with the program, or if you're in a position to hire someone to do it for you, that might be a better bet (use the ASCP forms as a starting point and tell them you want the Access contacts database customized to include the things on those forms).
Long-term, and just speaking personally (not in any official ASCP capacity), I think a custom Access database template for client records would be a great addition to what we provide at ASCP. When I have a chance, I'll look into whether this would be a possibility ... if I hear screams coming from the IT department when they read this post, I'll have my answer... :)
This is what I have been searching for also! I would love to be completely paperless.
Wow! Thanks everyone for all your feedback. After I posted this in April, my partner and I started working on an online program to manage everything from basic demographic info, treatment history, product regimens, signature capture, client resource area, etc. We are in the final stages and will be launching it soon. It will totally change the way we interact with our clients. Finally something online and accessible through smart phones and tablets. Plus, you will be able to send a link to new customers and have them fill it all out prior to their appointment. Can't wait to introduce this to our community!
Has this been launched? What is it called?
John, has this been introduced yet? EXACTLY what we are looking for!
I started this and it is called:
If enough professionals send me an email maybe I will go back to developing it. But it was a complete CRM / Mfgr Contact / and everything in between. It was going to compete with
The functionality was over the top since I am a Mfgr / Private Label / Educator / Professional. There was a not a piece of the business that was not touched by Without a CEO and business devlopement team to handle this, I can only do so much, it is not possible.
Attached is a screen shot from the development. Your looking at $20,000 worth of development and design.
Marty Glenn
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