Hey everyone! : )

Can anyone offer me some insight as to where I might be able to find some beautiful wholesale boutique items to purchase for my shop? Looking for handcrafted soaps, aromatherapies, candles, scarves, jewelry, gift items, "SPA stuff", etc..

Thank you so very much friends! <3

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Where are you located? I always used the NEAC show! It is an apparel and accessory show. They have Everything! You might look that up and find something similar in your area. Good Luck

The easiest thing to do is to go on Etsy. There are thousands of sellers and it's no longer just crafters. I've found scarves, soaps, jewelry etc. anywhere from very cheap to very inexpensive. All you have to do is "convo" the store and ask if they wholesale. Many many do. And you can do it from the convenience of your home.

You can purchase these things at internet with affordable price. You can these easily on online shopping portals..

Kemmi Lee has some beautiful handmade soaps and other items.. A fellow esty too..  www.kemmilee.com

Check out Organic products from England. Aromatherapy, soaps, lots of "spa" stuff. Https://us.nyrorganic.com/shop/deniseagnew

Kristina, I see that this is an older post, not sure if it is still valid or not. But, if you are looking for a one stop supplier to get all or at least most of what you are looking for please let's connect.

Goolge the new york gift show starting next week and sort through the vendors


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