Hi all!  I was wondering if any of the more seasoned estheticians had some good tips for dealing with difficult clients.  For example, those who are habitually late, or simply don't show up, then call and reschedule weeks later.  Do you shorten treatments when people are late?  Do you tell someone that you won't make appointments anymore for them if they don't show up and don't call to cancel?  What are some things we can say to clients such as these.  I'm not looking to offend people, and certainly don't want to lose clients.  I'm just wondering how the rest of you handle folks such as these.  Thanks!

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great advise...I have been working in a derm office for along time now and have had this problem from the start, I allow one no show or a last minute cancelation but then after that they will be charged!  Alot of my appointments are half an hour but when somebody books a full hour and then decides they would rather go shopping or go to the beach its very annoying!!
Welcome to the service industry!!  We all have those clients that seem to think that we are waiting around "just for them".  Yes, it is very rude and inconsiderate!!  Having worked in this industry for so long, I have a strict policy.... Three strikes and you are out.  Your time is money!!  Every minute is money!!!  Most people who insist on using an expired coupon are on the hunt for the next deal.  Now, I am not saying that all are like this but with coupons, Groupon, Living Social, and "Deal of the Day" clients, they are looking for a deal.... period.  With clients that are habitually late, I make their actual appointment time 15 minutes later than the actual appointment.  Life does get busy and occasional emergencies do come up.  After three times, they are not allowed back on my book.  It is a sticky issue here in my state to ask or require a credit card and charge the appointment time on it but it is a good "scare" tactic on signage and website.  If you do not take a stand at some point, you can end up with a clientele with such habits.  I hope this is useful and I wish you well!!!

  I agree with all the replies and I think that in light of what everyone has said I will re-draft my client agreement/consent  form and hand it to everyone. Because of the hard economic times, clients have become more abusive, disrespectful and embraced the attitude that they are doing me a favour. I think a few visits to the $19 Groupon facial would cure them. I am very angry right now because I have had 3 clients reply to my confirmation email (confirming tomorrow's appointments) that "oh, well I need to reschedule...this week is sooooo busy" or "I have stitches on my nose from a biopsy, I'll call you later"...etc.... And when where you going to let me know? Three minutes before your appointment time ? One of them does that, actually.

I see that clients have  the same attitude with the doctors. The "joke" around here (I work in a surgi-center) is that :" doctor, the patient will see you now." is the norm.

I think I have been too nice and it has gotten me nowhere.


Yep, I agree....I actually had a good client of mine no show on Wed., called Thurs am saying she forgot, and wanted a facial THAT day ! My receptionist told her that I was booked and actually couldn't get her in an early am time slot till July...she was ticked ! And then said "I don't wait that long for anyone !!"

I had the receptionist call her later to try and accommodate her, and she ignored us and never called back. What is WRONG with people ?!? Geez....

Mary, thanks a million...I now know that nothing is wrong with me or you..it's them... Like I said, maybe after the $19 facial and the burn on the lip (or chin or chest) they will realize the value of professional experience, good customer care, etc...  Not to top your story , but when I offered "same" client like yours to be on the wait list she said she cannot be at my "back and call".. Nice..

I guess it's part of the business but what I realized this week is that my "niceness" and flexibility" is perceived as weakness and in a way desperation to put a warm body on that chair, at any cost. There is such a thing as client abuse and the other side is practitoner abuse.

Mary, can you please share with me what PL skin care you use and like and are also able to mark up so nicely ? The bastards that I buy my PL from are now selling it on the internet for LESS than MY wholesale price... many thanks,

Ouch. That hurts. Are you over label or private label?  I'm a rep for Global Beauty.  We'd love for you to take a look at what we offer.  Send me an e-mail with your contact information and I'll get a packet sent out to you immediately.  I'm rikki@dermaplanetx.com

I had a client years ago that was a "problem child" that I had to "let go"...  She habitually no-showed and was late.  You know the kind of person that just can NOT seem to get their act together?  This was the poster child for that. 


She no-showed on me one day, showed up the next day with NO apology (Oh yeah, I forgot...can you squeeze me in NOW! (?!?!?!).  All this happened while I was in my room, and happened to our receptionist.  I walked out with the client I just finished with, to a very strange look on the receptionists face.  The problem child leaned over the counter trying to get a look at my book (the receptionist was trying to see if she could accommodate her), and knocked over something on the counter...RIGHT in a full glass of tea, which of course splashed all over my book and everything else on the desk.  KNow what problem child said?  "YOu shouldn't have had that there, should you?"  No apology again!  When I saw what had happened, I said to the client "I'm sorry we cannot accommodate you, and I have enjoyed being your esthetician, but I don't think I can service your needs anymore."  When it dawned on her (and I could see it in her eyes) that I had just fired her, I turned my back and walked away.  She left rather hastily, having been "dismissed" publicly.  I apologized to our receptionist.  I just felt SO bad she had to deal with this woman!  I'm too busy to fuss with these obnoxious people. 



Good for you Nondy !! It is hard to articulate those words right then and there to somebody's face but it feels good afterwards. I NEVER regretted firing a client, I only regret the times I let somebody step all over me.. Nevertheless, I guess we all have our weakness and I do have a handful of clients that I am extrordinarily flexible. One of them is a  widow, mother of six who although very financially secure has to drive over one hour one way to see me for a facial. She can go anywhere and she chooses me (money is no object) but she is pulled from every direction by family members. She is also very generous with tips and birthday gifts and wise advice, for me for a change.. When she calls last minute that a child is sick..etc... I forgive... What I'm saying  for everybody, is go with you gut , use your judgement, be professional but and do not be afraid to stand up for yourself . To add a little "humor" when I fire somebody I advice them that it probably would work better for them to go to one of those walk-in, no appointments needed places...hmmmmmm...


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