Hi wonderful Aestheticians.This forum is so informative and a blessing for all skin care professional.I need all your help.

As an esthetician i always have been very interested in formulating skin/body products.

Anyone knows where to learn to make skin and body care ptroducts,lotions, Moistrizers,Eye creams,body butters, vit-c and alll kind of serums etc etc.

Is there any esthe making products and can guide me Please ?

There is a class in CA but it will cost more than $1000 class fee plus air fare, and hotel stay.

I know there are alots of products recipes online but i am looking hands on training to formulate  professional and high quality effective products to practice enough at home and start a small home based business.

PLEASE help me where to get certified and learn professional effective and high quality products ???

I am in texas and if there is any local classes anyone knows and let me know??

Any HELP will be grately appreciated.

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I admire the sentiment, but this is a very lofty goal. I don't think you can learn cosmetic chemistry inexpensively, and I don't think you can easily make effective skin care from home. The best thing I can suggest is working with a chemist to formulate products to your standards in a lab. Unless you want to change careers, which is fine... But chemistry is not like esthetics, you can't get "certified" as a cosmetic chemist, it's a college degree.

Hi Maya, i'm PM you my information. I'm an esthetician with a bachelor's in chemistry and i work full time as a cosmetic chemist. The process of learning about cosmetic formulation is a commitment but it's possible. It's possible to make skin care products from that are quality from your kitchen, the most important thing is the ingredients you add to your products.

1- you have to start somewhere, you can't make and learn about all product systems all at once.

2- you will need some equipments and tools and stuff.

3- you will need patience lots of it. It takes us often months to years to perfect 1 formula from scratch and weeks to months if we are tweaking an existing formula. 

A quick overview is to understand the various cosmetic systems: emulsions, serums, cleansers, etc... I can help you with those. After you get the basic, you just need to start practicing, over and over, and over again.
Remember you can have a skin care line without all of that and i can help you with that too.

Hope this helps, looking forward to hearing form you.


Nandy, how expensive is doing something like this.

Hi Vanessa, honestly it's not cheap at all. Even if you start with 2produ

This is so kind of you Nandy for a positive respond.I really appreciate that.

I always make my own 20% Vit-C serum and last week i made my 2% Hyaluronic Serum...It came out perefect

Would you mind sending me your email addrss to discuss with you more??

Hi Maya i sent you a private message with info.

Hi Maya

Are you looking into a more natural approach to skin care products or do you want active, results oriented ingredients? For sure you will have to work with a chemist if the latter is what you want.

I myself started looking into natural, home-made skin care last year.  I make lip balm, salve for dry heels, jalapeno rub (I am a Massage Therapist as well and I this a pain relieveing cream inspired on an episdode of Orange is the New Black) and other handmade products.  My clients love them and I sell them well!

However....like everything it requires dedication, fragrance knowledge, aromatherapy knowledge and  A LOT of patience...and money.  I cannot tell you how many batches I had to ruin before I perfected my glossy lip balm, shipping gets expensive when you have to shop around for suppliers to find the products you like.

Also, creativity is a MUST.  People love packaging, presentation is EVERYTHING in retail and that also can get expensive when creating a logo, labels, boxes, etc.  Keep that in mind ...

All and all, I spent close to $1500 on raw materials: shea butter, oils, flavoring, graphic design...etc

I also looked into those classes in CA and I agree they are pricey but let me tell you that a lot of those Pinterest recipes don't turn out the way they look in the pretty pictures...and you end up wasting time and money by trial and error.  

There is also the expense for tools and equipment and have a clean sterilized space where you can create your magic....

So, I realized that adding more products to my home made line would be a pain in the neck considering the time  I had to invest on each product to develop...time is money and when it comes the time to price those products you want them to sell but at the same time make up for the time you had to dedicate to make them...is not easy or cheap!  I decided to stick with a very few items that are easy to make, clients love and have an adorable presentation.  

Take those classes if making your own products is your passion and have the time and money is required! 

Best luck!

Hi Victoria,

which classes did you take in California?

Hi Nandy

I did not take any classes, it was all trial and error, that is why I recommended to Maya to invest and take the classes instead.  However, she is saying she wants a results oriented line and I am not sure this can be done cost effectively at home by trial and error.  

Is one thing to take classes to learn how to make salves, sugar scrubs, natural toners and moisturizers; but if she wants to include ingredients that will bring real and fast results, I am pretty sure that can only be accomplished by agressive ingredients like acids and the like, and that is something I have never dabbed in. I know a lot of you will disagree that you cannot see real results with "natural" lines like Eminence, but that has been my own experience by working with lines like that for over a year.  For sure I have to add acids to the treatment to see improvements but those lines in my opinion, don't stand on their own as results oriented.

I didn't start making my products to be at trade shows or sell it to other esties, I did it because I was tired of ridiculous minimums and wanted to retail other products other than the lines I already carry.  I also like to be creative and this allowed me a lot of hours of fun...but hard work.  At the most, I intend to sell some things on Etsy, but I am not interested in mass producing anything.  I am uploading a picture of my heel salve, my clients love it!


I'm sorry but I disagree with everyone who said you need to be a chemist.  I belong to the Indie Business Network which has hundreds of Indie Makers and hardly any are chemists.  What you do need is 1)a very good understanding of ingredients, especially preservatives 2)a good understanding of how those ingredients effect the skin 3) Good Manufacturing practices 3)know the rules set by the FDA for making cosmetics. 4)and you will need special insurance to cover you.  I have been making my own skin care products since 2009.  As far as classes Joan Morais at joanmorias.com teaches online courses on how to make your own natural skin care products.

Thanks so much,Shelley Birnbaum. I'm working on my I wn mineral n akeup line and I was looking to do PL for my skin care products but this sounds great
I would love to try done of your skin care products. I'm super duper oily.


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