Can anyone suggest a supplier for one please? Searching online is very overwhelming. I figure many of you own one and can state whether you are happy with the quality or not



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I hate my combo. Very cheaply made. Of course I didn't pay a lot for it. So you get what yo pay for. I hardly ever use steam, don't even have water in it so I'm currently looking for a well made mag light only.

I buy all my equipment from Joe at

They have excellent customer service and you can talk directly to the owner and find out where items are made (I only purchase North American or European equipment) Give them a try.

Daylight Company has excellent maglamps. I use this one.

I have a Milo steamer plus an off-brand steamer that I got thru Sally's.  I prefer the Milo because both the steamer height and the arm are adjustable (though I feel the water reservoir is too large and I end up pouring it out).  The Sally's steamer has a smaller reservoir.  

As for the mag lamp, a Luxor.  It's more substantial and has actual springs at both joints and is less noisy.  Sometimes the cheap ones squeek annoyingly.

All said, though, I do NOT like the all-in-one units.  I like my room to look uncluttered, so I keep my mag lite available at all times, but prefer to keep my steamer out of sight unless needed for the service.


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