I thought it would be exciting to share some recipes that we use in our treatment rooms. What do you use, how is it applied and what is the primary use for it? Also, do any of you market these recipes for seasonal promotions? I am eager to try out some new ones and revisit some old ones!

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Tamara Anderson said:
I have recently added a mask bar. I have purchased several types of dry powder masks in bulk.  White Clay, French Green Clay, Morrocan Rhassoul, Rose Clay, Fullers Earth, and more.  I have also formulated a few of my own combining the clays with oatmeal powder, green tea powder, honey, milk powder and even chocolate poweder!.  I found some wonderful clear acrylic containers at World Market that came with scoops.  They display the powdered masks nicely.  When it comes time to choose a mask for a particular skin type I will either mix it with my skin care lines additives, toners, or distilled water. Maybe drop or two of your favorite serum too!

Tamala Mason said:
Tamara, Please, please tell us where you order the masks in bulk!  Your idea was simply brilliant!  I have just decided to go out on my own and I don't know where to find such things.  Thanks a million.

Tamara Anderson said:
I have recently added a mask bar. I have purchased several types of dry powder masks in bulk.  White Clay, French Green Clay, Morrocan Rhassoul, Rose Clay, Fullers Earth, and more.  I have also formulated a few of my own combining the clays with oatmeal powder, green tea powder, honey, milk powder and even chocolate poweder!.  I found some wonderful clear acrylic containers at World Market that came with scoops.  They display the powdered masks nicely.  When it comes time to choose a mask for a particular skin type I will either mix it with my skin care lines additives, toners, or distilled water. Maybe drop or two of your favorite serum too!
I'd love the recipes if you don't mind Jackie.  Thanks!

jackie mozingo said:

I make and sell, Lip Balms, All Natural cold process soaps and Lotion Bars, My clients love it. After I wax their

legs I take the cocoa butter lotion bars and rub into their legs and it just melts into their skin.  They always end up buying them. If anyone wants recipes just let me know.

oh yes, sorry. Have been away for awhile. I will get it out tonight.
I would love the recipe!!

jackie mozingo said:

I make and sell, Lip Balms, All Natural cold process soaps and Lotion Bars, My clients love it. After I wax their

legs I take the cocoa butter lotion bars and rub into their legs and it just melts into their skin.  They always end up buying them. If anyone wants recipes just let me know.

Jackie, I would love your recipes for your recipes. I am new to this site so I am not sure of the correct procedure. My email is plp4044@gmail.com. Thanks so much, Pat

jackie mozingo said:

I make and sell, Lip Balms, All Natural cold process soaps and Lotion Bars, My clients love it. After I wax their

legs I take the cocoa butter lotion bars and rub into their legs and it just melts into their skin.  They always end up buying them. If anyone wants recipes just let me know.

@ Patricia Sure I will get them for you. Making soap is not hard to do but it is time consuming and you must be careful  using Sodium Hydroxide or you will get burned. But the lip balms and cocoa butter are easy and wonderful.  Hopefully will have time this weekend to get it to you...

smiles, Jackie

Jackie, that sounds great and you are right about the sod hyd, I think I would rather start with lip balms and cocoa butter. Thank you so much and I look forward to exchanging ideas in the future. Pat

Well I found some of my recipes.

Cocoa Butter Bars, 6oz cocoa butter, 5 tsp Jojoba Oil, 5 tsp Shea Butter.

Melt cocoa butter first in 20 sec. increments, once melted add the Shea butter and stir until melted then add jojoba oil, you don't want to get the Shea butter to hot, it is very sensitive. This takes some time to cool off, keep stirring until cool but not yet turning into a solid. You can pour these into candy molds or soap molds. Hobby Lobby has a good selection. Please note it may take a day or so for these to harden. , These are my number one seller. You can also change the liquid oils to whatever you like, I love Avocado Oil too. But keep the ratio the same.

Lip Balms 4tsp beeswax, 1tsp Castor oil, 3 tsp jojoba oil or avocado oil, 3 tsp sweet almond oil. You can add flavor oil, approximately 20 dps, I add Essential Oils, like Spearmint is good, Lavender/Orange, Peppermint.

10 to 15 dps, if you use to much your lips will tingle.. If this recipe is to thick for the summer time you can adjust the amount of beeswax and increase your liquid oils.

I usually get my supplies from Bramble Berry or thesage.com, you can get lip balm containers pretty cheap. Try to get all organic bases as clients really love this. Good luck if anyone has problems just let me know..

I tried looking up recipes and yours by far is the easiest I have seen! Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to try this.

jackie mozingo said:

Well I found some of my recipes.

Cocoa Butter Bars, 6oz cocoa butter, 5 tsp Jojoba Oil, 5 tsp Shea Butter.

Melt cocoa butter first in 20 sec. increments, once melted add the Shea butter and stir until melted then add jojoba oil, you don't want to get the Shea butter to hot, it is very sensitive. This takes some time to cool off, keep stirring until cool but not yet turning into a solid. You can pour these into candy molds or soap molds. Hobby Lobby has a good selection. Please note it may take a day or so for these to harden. , These are my number one seller. You can also change the liquid oils to whatever you like, I love Avocado Oil too. But keep the ratio the same.

Lip Balms 4tsp beeswax, 1tsp Castor oil, 3 tsp jojoba oil or avocado oil, 3 tsp sweet almond oil. You can add flavor oil, approximately 20 dps, I add Essential Oils, like Spearmint is good, Lavender/Orange, Peppermint.

10 to 15 dps, if you use to much your lips will tingle.. If this recipe is to thick for the summer time you can adjust the amount of beeswax and increase your liquid oils.

I usually get my supplies from Bramble Berry or thesage.com, you can get lip balm containers pretty cheap. Try to get all organic bases as clients really love this. Good luck if anyone has problems just let me know..

You can get some really nice dry clay masks from Essential Wholesale. They have a bazillion things and you can order samples 1st to see if you are going to like them etc. also they have recipes and videos that you can watch.

Lauren Armitage said:
Wow Tamara! That sounds fantastic! I like the idea of displaying the items for personalization. Where have you found these masks?
I want to thank Jackie and Samantha for sharing these great recipes and ideas. I am really looking forward to trying this out and offering these products to my clients. Thanks so much!!


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