Hello everyone! I have the opportunity, as a new esty and a new business (solo practitioner inside a chiro's office) to attend a "Ladies' Day" vendor event.

I am trying to think what I could do at this event that would require the least amount of set-up/"trouble"....

We are allowed to charge for mini-services, which is GREAT!

I am thinking that  mini facial is too burdensome, considering towels, clean water, etc. etc...

So I am thinking of just offering a facial massage w/ a detox massage oil for $10 a pop.  I can set up my portable massage table- paper towels under the heads- no electricity/water required...

I can bag up pre-moistened cotton rounds for a quick facial cleanse prior to massaging (OR- those wonderfully handy cleansing wipes....), and then a quick cleanse after followed by a quick makeup touch-up (mascara and lip gloss application)??

I would try to avoid the eye area to keep them from getting too "messed up" anyway..... since there is a dinner, etc. also.

Any and all ideas/input appreciated!!!

Thank you!!

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Great idea!  Also think about the time it takes and if there is a flood of potential clients.  Also, think about the asepsis/hand washing & if it's mandated between clients for that service. Perhaps a quick hand and wrist massage.  Whatever you do, send them away wanting more!  

Thanks Jules- I plan to have hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes for my hands for in-between.

I have a sign-up sheet with specific times so I'm not too overwhelmed.

Very good.. Sounds like you have it all covered!  Good luck and have fun!  
 You can do scalp massages too They love that also Arm and hand massage is good to  maybe add an enzyme peel to the back of the hands to let them experience it and let them know this is what the skin on there face will feel like  as well . ( might help to book for future facials ) Have fun! Great opportunity ! The mini pressure point facial is very relaxing and it gives them an idea of your touch. Let us know how it all goes :)
Gina, how did everything go? I'm about to do my first two vendor shows. The first is a fitness/wellness event and the second is a valentines event. I too am planning on doing a facial massage and possibly an enzyme on the back of hands. Sign up sheets too, since I will be manning my station alone.


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