Hello everyone,


Question on Trade Magazines- How loong do you keep them?  Sure, there are those that are gems with lots of great info that are keepers, but I feel as though I am drowning in them.  I have evry issue for the past 3-4 years from at least 4-5 differnet magazines.  I am running out of space and trying to figure out how to store them or just get rid of them?  Any reason to keep complete years worth of issues?  What do you all do with them?  Thanks for any input

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Why not tear out the pages of the articles you can't part with and create a 3-ring binder of topical reference? You could slip the pages into those clear plastic binder sheets and use tabs to separate the topics.

Hmmm! I might do this!!! LOL

When I receive them I go through the whole thing.

I tear out pages as I go...

Products, companies, or equipment that I want to check out.

Articles that I think I may want to refer to...usually on business topics.

Once in a great while I will save a treatment protocol - there aren't very many of these but I keep them for ideas for my own menu or seasonal promotions.

I read and file these into appropriate folders - I toss out the pages with the products as I research them so they can get left out for a week or so.

Then everything else goes in my recycling box.

I don't save any magazines at all any more.


Call the local esthetic, massage or cosmetology school and donate them. Share the wealth of information that is in all those magazines!


Denise R. Fuller


Editor of LNE & Spa 

Thanks everyone, great ideas!  I think I'm going to do some of each
Check to see whether all of them are online. We have back issues of Skin Deep online and most other magazines do the same. (Although the ones that have been around forever probably don't have them all the way back to the start!) If you find there are a lot of articles in one magazine that you want to keep, you can just tear out the contents page instead and then you'll know the issue and page to find the article online whenever you want to read it.


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