Hi, This is an ethical question. I was hired at a spa, two months ago, it is new and they have been extremly slow on getting started. Initially I said I was available M-F but I in two months I have only had 2 clients. Today I was offered a position at another salon 14 miles away, full service salon with what seems potential clients. The hours are M-W.

My question is if I cut my hours down at the other spa to two days and work at the full service spa 3 days a week should I tell them I have accepted a position at another spa?


Any advice would be appreciated!

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I have lots of friends that work at two locations. I do believe it's a good idea to let your current employer know your plan though. As long as its not a competing place they really shouldn't have a problem. Good luck!
Turnover rates are huge in this industry, everybody thinks the grass is greener in the other side.

My advice to you is to find a solid salon or spa that allows you to grow and that has honorable owners and stick to it and build toe clientele.

If you move try to move closer that way some customer can actually follow.


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