Hello!  I have a client who has an open pore that she says she can squeeze out white pus daily.  She also says it has an odor, but I have not noticed that.  On her last visit, I extracted the bacteria until nothing more came out and the pore was a visible h***.  I spoke with her recently and she said she could still get a little out after that.  Does anyone have a great protocol for killing this bacteria and closing the pore once and for all?

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Once a follicle is open are stretched actually it is there to stay so of course it will continue to refill on a regular basis if it is not kept clean.  Your goal is to also keep it from getting any larger by keeping it empty. Regular cleansing and peels! Good home care is essential!

Andrea Stein

I agree with Andrea on the suggestions.  These pores are troublesome!  I've heard of a plastic surgeon that can actually remove the enlarged pore and stitch it shut.  I need to find this surgeon and get his fee; I have lots of clients, including myself with 1 or 2 of these large troublesome pores.
Amen on that Lisa, by the way I just ordered the Coconut/Papaya enzyme to use during my Pregnant clients facials...Im so excited to try it!
Andrea:  I hope you love the Coconut - it makes the skin really soft.
Hi All:  I found a plastic surgeon who will remove these individual, large, troublesome pores.  What was explained is that the surgeon will "h*** punch" the pore and stitch it shut (little tiny stitch with no scar).  The average cost is $350 (depending on a consultation).  This surgeon is in Scottsdale, AZ and his name is Dr. Pogue.  For more information, you can visit www.drpogue.com or e-mail jennifer@drpogue.com.

Have you tried Helichrysum italicum?

No, I haven't tried helchrysum italicum.  Have you had experience with it?  Does it work well?  I'm thinking of those large pores that remain open despite cleaning and extracting.


do you mean the essential oil Helichrysum? If so, I just wanted to add a warning to using this oil. It is EXTREMELY photosensitive! and I mean EXTREMELY!!!!!!!!! I have a friend who used it on her decelotte area and suffered severe 2nd degree burns when she went outside (with the area covered) a day after using it. Its a wonderful oil but must be used very responsibly :)

Then she used an adulterated Oil (very dangerous).  Bet she used it "neat" too. People should not be using unless they know the CHEMISTRY of the EO they have in their hands!!!!  I have never had anyone react in that manner and I have ued it on at least a hundred people.  True Helichrysum italicum  Characteristic components are Esters nercylactate 40%, Diketones: itlidone 6%, and Sesquiterpenes 50%.  The best come from Bosnia and Corsnia.  This oil is very expensive running a bit over $100.00 for 15ml.


What your friend told you is the reason rumors start about Essential OIls.  Doubt very seriously your friend is a Certified Aromatherapist and has had the education necessary to know an adulterated oil

actually she is a certified aromatherapist and used YL
I don't know what to tell you any Aromatherapist is going to tell you that what she is saying is virtually impossible with theat particular EO.  I do not use YL and would never use their oil - you can't follow there provance for the oil.   And if she's Ceretified by YL - that says everything.
She is not certified through YL. She is certified through the Institute for Spiritual Healing and Aromatherapy, Linda Smith founder. I stated she was using YL because I wanted to make it clear she wasn't using just any old oil found at a health food store. I  take exception to the way you are coming through on this board Chere. I am sorry if you have had experiences with people that have made you defensive about your aromatherapy practice, I really am, however this board is supposed to be a place of information and support...not bashing someone else's experiences/knowlege. If the esty you told to use the oil, used it and her client was somehow injured then SHE would be libel. I merely added friendly and concerned warning to her. I did not by any means attack the aromatherapy profession...I love my oils and use them every single day...on clients, myself and my family


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