Hi Everyone!

I wanted to know how you are all handling product returns.

My rep suggested having a "no return" policy- and even posting that policy- to deter finicky customers.  Obviously, if a client had a reaction that would be a different story- but she said to make sure I SEE the client and confirm it is in fact a reaction to the product.

Do you make this your policy as well? or do you allow returns at will?


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Yes, if they have a reaction they can return it.  However, I still give them a credit for product or a service due to the no return policy.  I don't (knock on wood) get many returns.  That is a great example why sampling does work.  Image is so great with that.  Try before you buy, works almost everytime.

Thanks Beth- tell me how you handle your sampling. Do you give away the trial kits? or sell them? use the individual samples? or squeeze out samples for your clients?

Also- do you post a no return policy?

Is she just CRAZY!!  If a client is not happy with a product offer her another choice.  Your return policy might be "credit given on another product,  no "Cash" returns.  My gosh who the heck told you to "no return policy" - that is the FASTEST way to loose Clients!!!

Fortunately I do not get many returns but I have had to exchange two of The Max eyecreams recently because they are not pumping correctly. Customer service is #1 with me, I will always exchange any product 100% if there is an issue. A nicely framed return policy is on my counter for all of my clients to see. About Image, I did send an email Monday about the products, still no response.  I do wish they had better customer service, I sell a ton of image but customer service goes along way with me.  One of my Esty friends loves Dermaquest, it seems very similar to Image but a bit more expensive and has great customer service. I'm going to check them out.

Hi Marti,

We had the same problem with two of our Max Eye creams. I called and they sent out replacements at no cost to us and we also had them within two days of calling. When I called the customer service rep told me that to make sure the clients were not opening(twisting the caps off) because it has a pressure system. ( there are no tubes to pull the product up) I hope this helps. Also I have started telling my clients if they by these not to twist but prime the eye cream 10 times at least.  I really think image is a great company. Our rep is awesome. Have a great day. 

I offer the 'try before you buy' policy in my studio. I will even give multiple samples over a period of time to find just the right fit. I do not charge for the samples- unless a client 'abuses' this policy.

This really negates my 'no returns policy- once the item has been opened,' and my clients view this sampling as a perk of coming to see me. It also allows for increased communication with my clients about their skin goals, concerns and triumphs.


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