Hi everyone, I'm looking for some much needed guidance.

I have a nervous first-time facial client- early 40s, chief complaint excessive wrinkling and diminished elasticity. We live in AK- so definitely dehydrated and environmentally sensitized. Dehydration is a large chief complaint.

She uses a Neutrogena cleanser(sometimes- otherwise she splashes with warm water) and a L'oreal spf15 in the mornings, no pm routine.

I outlined in-studio treatment options as well as an intro homecare treatment plan, and proceeded with a modified image signature facial which included extractions on chin and nose. After the faciial I gave her samples of the Vital C cleanser, Vital C Repair Cream and DD Hydrating SPF to start her on.

She left me a VM 4days post facial to let me know she was feeling very dry and she had breakouts on her chin and nose. I have been out of town and just received her message. I immediately called her back to discuss her concerns(now 8 days post facial.)

She is unhappy and I feel her pain!
I suggested the breakouts may have been caused due to the extractions, but that I wanted to see her skin at her convenience.
I asked if the blemishes were inflamed and she said no. I asked if they were red and she said no. I also asked if they were itchy and she said no.
I asked her if she was utilizing the VitalC samples and she said no, she'd gone back to what she was comfortable with( ie Neutrogena wash and L'oreal spf15.)

I know I'll know more when I get a chance to see her skin but I'm feeling very upset. Waxing comprises most of my business and I'm just starting to get more actively involved with educating myself in skincare. I don't want to let her down and I want to find a suitable treatment plan for her.

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Replies to This Discussion

If she's unwilling to use your samples then you really can't help her. You gave her an exfoliating clinical facial that opened her pores and revealed fresh skin, and she immediately put on her comodogenic skincare. My guess is she broke herself out.
You could try educating her on the value of cosmeceuticals vs OTC.
I wouldn't immediately start accepting the responsibility.
Thanks so much for your quick reply!

During her intake I really stressed the benefits/ importance of prof products from licensed estys vs OTC. She was ultimately defensive, saying those were thr only products that had ever worked for her... And since I didn't want to argue, I redirected towards the benefits of building a relationship with an esthetician and prof products. She was reluctant but really wants to see improvement in her skin so she agreed to give it a try.

I fear, in my efforts to help her skin, that I've misjudged my ability to be able to help 'her'. She may be one of those clients that may never be happy... I did show her before/after pics of 'realistic skin goals' so that she wasn't expecting a miracle. And I thought by the end of the facial we were on the same page... How would you proceed?
You could explain to her when you see her that breakouts can be a common reaction from a clinical facial because it is creating a response in the skin and bringing things to the surface- you know all this... It sounds like you've handled her well. I would try very hard to keep this "normal"- not taking the responsibility or acting upset. She may be a client that would be more of a headache than you need... It's hard to help non-compliant clients. You may want to offer her a discount for the trade-in of her products for Image. That gets them out of her hands. Try to really insist she try only the samples for at least one week so she can see her skin's reaction, and stress that what you do in your treatment room is only about 10% of where her results come from. The other 90% she does every day in her own bathroom. If she keeps doing what she's always done, she'll keep getting what she's always got (also the definition of insanity! LOL)
Good luck. :-P

I asked her if she would like to meet with me today to talk about treatment options. I'm hoping to just get her into the studio so I can see what is going on with her skin!!! I'm feeling very anxious and I really want to find a remedy.

During our last discussion I asked her about feedback and when she only came back with negatives, I then asked her if she felt any positives.

Her answer was that she "wasn't 100% percent happy about anything."

I know I will encounter clients of all shapes, sizes and attitudes- but I wish I could be given a second chance to at least try and remedy her disappointment.

She hasn't confirmed our meeting today and I fear she will not even come back.

Truthfully- I wouldn't be too upset if she opted not to come back. Some people just aren't able to be pleased- and she sounds like she could be a very problematic client. Just shake it off and move forward.

When I do a peel on someone, I have them sign a paper saying that they will use the samples provided & not mix them with anything else. If they do not seem like they will use them I will not do a peel on them & will not give them any of my precious samples. 

I agree with Gina on all points. :)


I'm new to image and picked up the line a couple of months ago so I'm just starting to do the peels.  I've worked in derm for the past 6 years so peeling isn't new for me, just the image line.  The first image wrinkle lift i did on myself i broke out like crazy.  And i've broken out with the vital c product at a different time when sampling the line.  A couple weeks ago I did the lightening lift peel (first image peel on the client) on a client who is a regular monthly patient and next day she had atleast 6 breakouts and she never breaks out.  So right now, I'm cautiously watching my clients post peel.  I've had some patients who do well, but a few that just break out after the peel.  I'll completely accept a couple pimples post peel, but to have full face breakout after makes me wonder what's going on.  Is it the peel or possibly the post peel kit.  I'd love to hear if anyone else has this problem with the image line. 




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