Have any of you tried Skin Script's 8-week TCA protocol for pigmentation? I've had this protocol for 2 years, but I find that estheticians are nervous when using TCA and haven't had a lot of feedback about this product until the past few months.
This protocol is designed to work specifically on pigmentation issues (melasma and hyperpigmentation), but also works very well on acne and aging clients.
I made this TCA for specifically for Fitzpatricks 4-6, but it can be used on anyone (except sensitive and rosacea). It's highly buffered with Azaleic, Kojic and Arbutin. The TCA simply acts as a carrier to carry the natural lighteners to the melanocyte. When you apply the TCA it generally will NOT frost and the tingle sensation is around a 2. Estheticians will call me and claim it is defective because it's not burning! I don't want it to burn; I want it to gently exfoliate the skin and carry the lighteners to the melanocyte.
The feedback has been tremendous on this protocol. Great results, even after 4 weeks, and it has minimal to no downtime. Here are the steps:
1) Week 1: Consultation and get your client on homecare.
2) Week 2: Glycolic Peel
3) Week 3: Lactic Peel
4) Week 4: 2 Layers of the TCA
5) Weeks 5-7: Let the skin rest
6) Week 8: 4-6 Layers of the TCA
I'd love to hear your feedback on this peel.
Lisa -
I actually made up a brocure to assist me in talking about this protocol - and my pricing includes product.
But I haven't PRINTED the brochure and I haven't put this on my menu yet.
I almost ordered the TCA on my last order to try it out...I always like to use a product on myself first so I know how it feels and learn what to expect (although I KNOW that everyone's skin is different).
And now with summer so close, I was getting cold feet again...LOL
And it isn't being nervous about the product...I used PCA TCA peels for a couple of years with no problems.
For myself, being fairly new in business, I don't yet have a large clientele to market this service to.
So - if finances continue to be good I will give it a go soon...at least on myself :)
Thanks Cindy! When you're ready to try it, let us know. We get glowing reviews on this protocol in regards to pigment, acne and scarring.
But while we are on the topic...
Can you discuss why this would NOT be a good choice for rosacea and sensitive clients?
Because this peel does not "burn" and we only get to about a "2" on the sensation scale, how do you get to know how many layers are appropriate?
If I do this exact protocol on myself, is there anything I should NOT do during the rest weeks 5-7? Can I do LED or Radiancy? An enzyme? or just stick to the glycolic and retinol homecare products?
Hi Cindy: It's just my opinion that I don't peel rosacea or sensitive skin. I prefer to use a Coconut enzyme with a very gentle dermafile (mechanical exfoliation, fine tip with no pressure added) to soften, hydrate and heal the skin. Two weeks ago we had an extreme case of papular rosacea in the office. We put her on the Pomegranate Cleanser, Cucumber Toner, Retinol Scrub (twice a week used very gently), Hydrating Serum/Vit C, Ageless Skin Moisturizer, SPF. I didn't even get to the professional treatments (which I planned on coconut enzyme facials), and within 10 days her rosacea calmed right down and 90% of the papules and pustules were gone. Obviously, something had been irritating her skin. It was really amazing to see such fast, extreme results; she had planned on antibiotics and steriods from her dermatologist for her rosacea; we were her last chance before the medication.
Regarding your question about how many layers to use - I start with only 2 layers and see how their skin responds. Some clients will only ever need 1-2 layers. I report a tingle sensation of a "2", but for 5-10% of clients might get to a 7-8 sensation. Those are the clients you keep 1-2 layers. Once they have had their intial 2-layer peel and they report back with the results, you will know how many layers to proceed with in the future. E.g., if they did not flake from 2 layers, then proceed with 6-8 layers on the next treatment; if they had moderate flaking, move to 3-4 layers, if they peeled A LOT, then stick with only 2 layers. Does that make sense? Once you use it, I think you will get the feel of how it behaves and understand it better.
During weeks 5-7, I do modify the homecare to only a gentle cleanser, moisturizer and SPF until the skin has healed; then resume glycolic and retinol homecare products. Yes, you could do LED or Radiancy once the skin has healed. You could also do a clean up enzyme for any remaining dead skin. I understand summer is coming and you may not want to try it now, but if so, let me know, and I'll send a sample so you can try it on yourself.
Cindy - I am back in the office and now attaching photos of our papular rosacea gal. I realize the lighting is a little off, but you get the idea. We did not perform any professional treatments. This was after 10 days of being on (1) Pomegranate Cleanser, (2) Retinol Scrub, used twice per week, (3) Cucumber Toner, (4) Ageless Hydrating Serum and Vitamin C mixed, (5) Ageless Skin Moisturizer, and (6) SPF. I was extremely impressed. Obviously, something she was using in the past inflammed her skin.
I'm really loving the TCA peel and so are my clients. I'm curious if when doing the series, can I replace the Glycolic with the TCA? I have a client with extreme Melasma, she takes very good care of her skin and she's already prepped for the series. I did the Lemon Enzyme and then two layers of TCA on my clients that previously have had PCA peels and they were amazed.... They're always a bit pink when they leave but I remember Lisa says that's just what happens with enzymes. There's been no sensitivity, just some flaking and really no downtime. How does the Lactic compare with the TCA as far as lightening ability? I would also love a moisturizing/calming masque to retail... ;-)
Hi Katherine. Nice protocol with the Lemon enzyme and the 2 layers of TCA; I'm sure you received some nice results! Regarding your question of whether you could replace the glycolic with the TCA, yes, you can as long as the client is prepped with previous peels. The entire idea is that we don't start a client immediately wtih TCA, we work them up to it utilizing lighter peels.
The lactic vs TCA for lightening? TCA is best. TCA is stronger, it's a beta peel and will drive deeper into the skin. I like my lactic when I'm beginning a series of peels to "get a feel" for how the skin will behave. I also like my lactic for mixing with the Lemon for lightening. However, you are right on track when you applied your Lemon followed by the TCA (as long as your client was ready for it, which is sounds like she was).
Regarding a moisturizer/calming masque to retail. What about retailing the Goji Berry Mask? I know that it's a professional product, but it's only nourishing (not exfoliating) so I feel we could retail that to the customer if you wanted. I will keep it in mind and put it on the wish list.
Hi Lisa, sounds Awesome! Is this something they would do once a year, or just maintain it coming in monthly, and then what would be a great monthly treatment. also the maintenance of there home care. and Cindy what a great idea about your brochure maybe once you have it done we could all take a peek :) Thanks all
Hi Cheryl - I put my clients through it once and then maintain it on a monthly basis. I alternate a facial one month; the next month I perform a facial, but I end the facial with 1-2 layers of TCA (mild peel) to keep the pigment at bay. I find I don't have to repeat the series as long as the clients are consistent about monthly treatments. Yes, homecare is key!!! I have my clients use a daily cleanser such as Green Tea Cleanser, Glycolic Cleanser and Retinol Scrub (2-3 times per week); glycolic/retinol pads (our number one skin lightening product) as needed for pigment; Vit C/Ageless Hydrating Serum, Moisturizer and SPF. I know it sounds like a lot, but once your client gets the hang of it, she won't turn back.
Hi Lisa, I'm doing an Express Enzyme Treatment for $45-$55. I vary the price according to time left on and if we do a masque. What would you charge for two layers of TCA after an enzyme? Can you price out the eight week series for us? Just wanting a general idea, I know prices do vary. Thanks so much for all your input, such a help to all of us. Oh, and I love the idea of retailing the masque, can we retail all three? They are fantastic, I'd love to be able to sell them!
Hi Katherine. Here are my thoughts on pricing; of course it will vary depending on experience and your setting (meda spa vs. spa).
1) If you added 2 layers to the end of a facial, I would add an addition $25-30 to the treatment.
2) For the 8 week series, you might charge $50 for the glycolic, $50 for the lactic, $75 for the 2 layers of TCA, and $125 for the 4-8 layers of TCA.
Yes, you could retail all three masks. :)
Oh, wow. I was just looking at this protocol this morning and thinking about ordering products and trying it on myself, Fitzpatrick 6. I just started using the Dermafile on myself and the jury is still out.
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