I have a male client that says "i am going to the tanning bed to build my base tan for my wedding in Jamaica and want a chest/back wax before the wedding" I need to know how much time between his last tanning (I deplore) and my service such I recommend. Btw, he is an attorney so I will be nervous and have all disclaimers and consent forms signed before. I plan to email him about his tanning prior to him coming in.

This will be my first chest/back wax so I could use any helpful hints. I did purchase a blue (titanium) thin hard wax for men designed for medium to course hard. I do understand from leg waxing to hold skin taunt and start from the outside moving in, apply pressure immediately, and I also use a desensitizing antiseptic prior. Is a little oil a good idea before?

thx for much for all us newbies for all the sage advise.

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If he MUST Tan, you would want to perform your waxing service BEFORE his last tanning session.  I would say at least 3 days before, no less.  And make sure that he understands that he is NOT TO TAN until 3 days after his wax.  Let him know that, if he runs over and tans right away, he could burn, then peel, then he wouldn't be pretty for the wedding.  The reason you want to wax before his last tanning session is that waxing exfoliates the skin and you don't want to take a chance of lightening these areas just before he leaves for his wedding. 

Hope this helps.

my concern is really about days before waxing and tanning. he must tan and I know he will be in the sun three days after and the ocean. Is is safe to wax him three days after his last tanning bed, and tell him not to go to the beds for three days after?

also should i oil his chest/back with the hard blue wax?

Hey Rosemarie,  You really don't want to wax him AFTER his last tan as I said it will remove some of his color.  It's better to have him make his last tan 3 days AFTER his wax.  So he needs to coordinate the wax with you, then the tan 3 days later.  The reason I say 3 days after the wax is, if this is his first chest/back wax he may have a breakout (typical reaction for men on the back/chest).  Instruct him to lightly exfoliate the next day with a loopha or equivalent and send him home with some post care.  The reality is that we cannot control what our client's do, we can only make our best recommendations with their safety in mind.  I tell my client's not to tan for at least 24 hrs after a wax, but I have seen them head straight over to the tanning salon next door right after a wax to tan.  So the next time they come in I remind them not to tan for at least 24 hours, but they are going to do what they are going to do.  As long as you have him sign your client health history (which should state that tanning should be avoided for at least 72 hours), verbally tell him the possible side effects of the waxing itself and the tanning after waxing you will be covered. 

How far away is the wedding?  Just thinking if its a month or two it would be nice to have him come in now for a wax and then right before he leaves too just to see how he reacts to the waxing.  I always hate when clients want to try something new right before a big event, makes me nervous!!  Good luck you will do great!! 

may 28th sooo  the first question was have you waxed before and he has

Hi Rosemarrie, MINUS the tanning fiasco, one of my first clients was a male wanting his back waxed. I was a tad nervous but used both strip in larger areas and hard in smaller areas and all turned out well. I totally agree with the last post, try to have him come in now and then touch him up right before he leaves. You will do fine, but do not forget to have him sign a wax consent and have him initial your 72 hour reccomendation for tanning.

thank you for all your insight, I plan to email my client with recommended time for waxing and tanning and then it's on him, and I have covered my own behind.


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